🔷1 réservation dans les dernières 48h
🏆 Plus de 5 ans d'expérience en donnant des cours en ligne
🔝 Professeur populair
🔷1 réservation dans les dernières 48h
🏆 Plus de 5 ans d'expérience en donnant des cours en ligne
🔝 Professeur populair
Nationalité : Argentine
12 évaluations
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My name is Caterina Esquivel Díaz. I am a lyrical and popular singer. I have been working as a singing teacher for 7 years. I teach in-person and virtual popular singing classes and focus on learning vocal technique as a means for the voice to flow effortlessly. It doesn't matter how old you are, or if you've never taken classes before, what's important is perseverance and the desire to learn! I also teach musical reading and initial and intermediate music theory for those who want to enroll in...
My name is Caterina Esquivel Díaz. I am a lyrical and popular singer. I have been working as a singing teacher for 7 years. I teach in-person and virtual popular singing classes and focus on learning vocal technique as a means for the voice to flow effortlessly. It doesn't matter how old you are, or if you've never taken classes before, what's important is perseverance and the desire to learn! I also teach musical reading and initial and intermediate music theory for those who want to enroll in an institute or Faculty of Music. In each class I focus on students strengthening their vocal technique (for any musical style), diaphragmatic breathing, tuning, scales, etc. So that they can sing high and low notes comfortably. We will work a lot on the expression and staging of the songs, in any language. You can sing anything you like. Always for those who begin to sing, different obstacles arise, whether in tuning, modulation, auditory memory or expression, but I assure you that with my classes you will be able to improve all these areas! Methodology of my SINGING CLASSES: -In the first part: I explain how the vocal cords work, what they are for, how to take care of them. We chat briefly about good and bad habits when singing -We relax muscles of the body and face -We practice diaphragmatic (abdominal) breathing with very intense but effective exercises -We vocalize and modulate, we relax the jaw -We sing scales (with the help of my piano) -In the second half of the class: We work on the song you want, we correct what is necessary so that it comes out relaxed, without tension and expressive. Step by step you will achieve what you are looking for as a singer, connecting with your instrument, which is unique...Go ahead and sing!
EspagnolLangue maternelle
AnglaisCompétences conversationnelles
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