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🏆 Plus de 5 ans d'expérience en donnant des cours en ligne


Nationalité : Royaume-Uni

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A propos de moi

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Hi, I'm Ansh and I am a graduate of the University of Cambridge. I am currently pursuing a Theoretical Physics PhD at King's College London. My Master's degree in Physics is from the University of Cambridge, and I have a Bachelor's from Warwick University. I have over 500 hours of tutoring experience, a strong track record, and a whole host of resources. My primary focus is GCSE, A-Level, and Undergraduate level Maths and Physics, however I also have experience teaching younger students at KS3, ...

Hi, I'm Ansh and I am a graduate of the University of Cambridge. I am currently pursuing a Theoretical Physics PhD at King's College London. My Master's degree in Physics is from the University of Cambridge, and I have a Bachelor's from Warwick University. I have over 500 hours of tutoring experience, a strong track record, and a whole host of resources. My primary focus is GCSE, A-Level, and Undergraduate level Maths and Physics, however I also have experience teaching younger students at KS3, and KS2, as well as preparation for the 11+. I have over 5 years of tutoring experience, focusing primarily on GCSE and A-Level Maths and Physics, and I have tutored in a variety of settings, from one-on-one tutoring at a tuition centre, to group teaching, as well as online tutoring and lecturing as part of outreach schemes at the University of Cambridge. My methods and techniques are efficient and easy to understand, and have consistently helped students increase their grades by 1-3 levels. I would first establish a student's strengths and weaknesses by setting some initial questions, and then focus on the weaknesses from there. A typical lesson would start by first going through and explaining the content, then showing how I'd attempt a question, and then asking the student to attempt a similar practice question. This would also be consolidated with setting homework which I would mark and provide detailed feedback on. I would also regularly review the student's strengths and weaknesses, to make the tutoring sessions as efficient and effective as possible. As I am currently working at a tuition centre, teaching both A-Level and GCSE Maths and Physics, to students taking a variety of different exam boards, I have a very strong understanding of the curriculum for both these subjects. Having also studied Maths and Physics at Undergraduate level, and having just graduated from a Physics Master's, most of the techniques used in GCSE and A-Levels are very familiar to me, and I use them every day myself. Also working at a tuition centre means that I have access to a whole host of resources that an independent student may otherwise need to pay a lot of money to acquire.

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  • Mathématiques
    • Algèbre
    • Mathématiques de base
    • Analyse numérique
    • Mathématiques appliquées
    • Trigonométrie
    • Calcul
  • Physique
    • Électrodynamique
    • Thermodynamique
    • Mécanique des fluides
    • Physique des Hautes Énergies
    • Physique Théorique
    • Physique quantique

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AnglaisLangue maternelle


Troisième cycle Physics Mast - Merit
Premier cycle Mathematics And Physics Bsc - First Class
Doctorat Theoretical Physics en cours

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Mathématiques - Recommandations d'autres professeurs :



19 €/cours

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Enseignant vérifié, modéré par l'équipe de Classgap

294 cours

Physique, Mathématiques
Mathématiques de base Algèbre linéaire Analyse numérique Trigonométrie Calcul Géométrie

3 ans d'expérience dans l'enseignement de MATHS/PHYSIQUE (ACADOMIA, ADO) ⏤ Fort d'une expérience d'enseignement variée acquise au cours de mon parcours académique, je dispose de solides compétences en MATHÉMATIQUES, en PHYSIQ...



13 €/cours

Offre un essai gratuit


Enseignant vérifié, modéré par l'équipe de Classgap

17 cours

Algèbre Mathématiques de base Analyse numérique Mathématiques appliquées LaTeX Géométrie

Tutrice en mathématiques avec plus de 8 ans d'expérience, et d'un doctorat en Maths. ⏤ Docteure en Mathématiques, j'ai accumulé 8 années d'expérience dans l'enseignement des cours particuliers en mathématiques. Je propose des cours sur m...