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🏆 Plus de 5 ans d'expérience en donnant des cours en ligne


Nationalité : Inde

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A propos de moi

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A jolly🪁, amiable and experienced 🔤phonics💤 teacher who gets gel with children easily and also a botanist🌱, from a very prestigious college in India, a place where great great teachers were born. I graduated in botany, zoology and chemistry while Physics being my core subject till A level. After that, I pursued a double degree in science💡, this time learning how to 'teach' 📝science- all what I have learnt so far. I have taught in Schools and on-line for many years and throughout these year...

A jolly🪁, amiable and experienced 🔤phonics💤 teacher who gets gel with children easily and also a botanist🌱, from a very prestigious college in India, a place where great great teachers were born. I graduated in botany, zoology and chemistry while Physics being my core subject till A level. After that, I pursued a double degree in science💡, this time learning how to 'teach' 📝science- all what I have learnt so far. I have taught in Schools and on-line for many years and throughout these years I have come to a belief that a teacher cannot be paid💰 fully; because he just no just passes the knowledge rather closely monitors 🔍strengths📈, weaknesses📉 of the learner, supports, reinforces and make the journey alongside the students with curated personalised way of teaching based on student's temperaments which is one of the advantage of taking classes online! Since I am a student of Psychology as well and have used it to experience the student counseling and help them deal and cope with academic and non academic stress ( as I have certification in challenging behaviors of children as well). Additionally, I have extensively rich experience of teaching students from mostly all over the globe having many of them prepared for their OSSLT paper. I cover a wide range of subjects including English, biological and physical sciences, Maths and Geography. Also, a wide range of age groups I have taught (which is something unique to me, I think!) especially when it comes to pre kindergarteners to prepare them for kindergartener. I have tutored several of them and cherished them seeing learn gradually over time and to have seen them love reading ( as I am also an experienced phonics teacher teaching from the scratch). Humorously 🫣teaching and interactive sessions are my signature styles. In my spare time I love reading 🧾articles on how to improve my teaching strategies and methods, researches on children and new methods invented to teach interactively as my life has always revolved around studies majorly I have developed a keen interest in exploring how to match my teaching methodologies with the current situation and demands. P. S. : Students work hard📕, Educate harder! 📚

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  • Biologie
    • Biologie élémentaire
    • Biologie cellulaire
    • Physiologie
    • Physiologie animale
    • Génétique
    • Écologie

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AnglaisCompétences professionnelles complètes


Licence B.Sc Bio Sciences

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République démocratique du Congo

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Biologie élémentaire Physiologie Physiologie animale Pharmacologie Écologie

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