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🏆 Plus de 5 ans d'expérience en donnant des cours en ligne


Nationalité : États-Unis

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A propos de moi

Le professeur a écrit la présentation dans d'autres langues Traduire maintenant

Instruction time should be planned around the students’ needs, not around the teacher’s needs or wants. I believe that educators have a responsibility to positively impact their students’ lives. I also believe that schools should focus on educating children as a whole. Educators should teach students how to control their emotions, basic everyday life skills, and academics. Schools should provide students with hands-on activities and educational field trips to help benefit their learning experien...

Instruction time should be planned around the students’ needs, not around the teacher’s needs or wants. I believe that educators have a responsibility to positively impact their students’ lives. I also believe that schools should focus on educating children as a whole. Educators should teach students how to control their emotions, basic everyday life skills, and academics. Schools should provide students with hands-on activities and educational field trips to help benefit their learning experience.I believe that students should learn through experiences and experiments. Students in my classroom will use critical thinking, and a balance of teamwork and independent work to learn the material. I believe educators should encourage their students to think deeply and ask questions about the world around them and the material in class. I will tailor my lesson plans and instruction to fit the needs of the students in my class. This will mean that every year the structure of my classroom will most likely change. Based on my students’ needs and value for their independence, I will incorporate lessons that engage them and fit their interests and needs. I will equip my students with the life skills to be better, more productive citizens, and make the world a better place. Classroom rules are an important first step in creating a healthy classroom environment. I will put a great emphasis on equality throughout my classroom and the school, and will not tolerate sexism, racism, or any other type of discrimination. I believe in an open classroom environment. A student should experience learning inside and outside the classroom frequently to learn best. These beliefs will be evident in the classroom rules. During the first day of class each year, we will have a discussion regarding individual beliefs and values. These should include things like respect for yourself and others, responsibility, and listening (plus others). Once students have discussed important rules, beliefs, and values, they will create a class contract together. Once created and teacher approved, the students will all sign their name. This signifies that they are agreeing to follow the rules they created together and will take responsibility for their actions and the consequences that follow in the case that they break the contract rules. The rules will be referenced every morning during the morning meeting. This will ensure that students know the rules and where they are posted, in case they are unsure of the classroom rules. If a student chooses to break one of the contract rules, I will ask the student “Which rule of our contract do you think you broke?”. This will help the student in taking responsibility for their actions. After the student and I discuss their actions and the rules, necessary disciplinary consequences will be enforced based on the specific action. I believe in the progressivism philosophy of teaching because I believe students need to have real life experiences to better relate to what they are learning. I am looking forward to teaching you!

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  • Anglais
    • Grammaire
    • Anglais familier
    • Phonétique
    • Vocabulaire
    • Conversation

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AnglaisLangue maternelle


Licence Bachelor Of Science Interdisciplinary Studies
Troisième cycle Master Of Science In Applied Behavior Analysis en cours

Plus à propos de moi (hobbys, intérêts...)

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Oui, vous pouvez annuler une réservation jusqu'à 8 heures avant le début du cours, en indiquant la raison pour laquelle vous souhaitez l’annuler. Nous analysons chaque cas individuellement pour décider du remboursement.

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• ¿Comment se déroulent les cours ?

Les cours sont donnés dans la salle de classe virtuelle de classgap, développée à des fins pédagogiques avec de nombreuses fonctionnalités telles que la vidéoconférence, le service de messagerie instantanée, le tableau blanc virtuel ou le traitement de texte en ligne collaboratif. Voir la classe virtuelle

Anglais - Recommandations d'autres professeurs :



14 €/cours

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Enseignant vérifié, modéré par l'équipe de Classgap

196 cours


Parle: Anglais, Espagnol, Français

*Native British English speaker* *TEFL Qualified* Hi! My name is James, I am a TEFL qualified teacher of English as a Foreign Language. I am from Ca...



11 €/cours

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Enseignant vérifié, modéré par l'équipe de Classgap
Afrique du Sud

387 cours

Anglais, TOEFL

Parle: Anglais, Français, Néerlandais

Hi :) I'm Rochelle an experienced TEFL certified online and in person English teacher with over 2 years of experience. I have a strong command of the...



17 €/cours

Offre un essai gratuit


Enseignant vérifié, modéré par l'équipe de Classgap

1805 cours


Parle: Espagnol, Anglais, Français

Are you looking to learn English in a practical, dynamic, and effective way? You’ve come to the right place! IMPORTANT: Please message me before book...



13 €/cours
Manuel J.

Manuel J.
Enseignant vérifié, modéré par l'équipe de Classgap

1630 cours

Anglais, Biologie, Mathématiques, Chimie

Parle: Espagnol, Anglais, Français

Hello!! My name is Manuel Jesús Cabello Garrido. I have a degree of Chemistry in the University of Seville and I also have a Master. I have been teach...