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Cours particuliers de technologie en ligne



12 €/cours

Enseignant vérifié, modéré par l'équipe de Classgap

19 cours

Programmation, Web Design

Hi, my name Theo. I have 20+ years of experience in web development, I have international advanced diploma in computer studies from NCC UK. I worked as Senior Technology Consultant at a leading firm in Botswana. I have gained a lot of practical experiences that I would love to share with my students. I love to teach and tutor people on how to build websites and web applications. I love reading technology blogs, build web applications, listening to music and watching sci-fi based movies and series. Book a class with me and you will not regret it.

10 €/cours

Enseignant vérifié, modéré par l'équipe de Classgap

Nouveau Professeur

UX/UI Design, Programmation

Mi diplomo nel 2015 nel campo della grafica e delle tecniche di comunicazione. Successivamente mi sono lanciato nel mondo del lavoro come tirocinante presso una piccola azienda che opera nel settore della pubblicità e, in seguito, in altri settori come quello dedicato all'assistenza tecnica di primo livello per WindTre spa e subito dopo nella ristorazione. In questo periodo ho continuato a studiare da autodidatta, fino a quando sono stato convinto delle prospettive offerte dal corso Developer 4.0, di cui, pochi mesi fa, ho conseguito il diploma. L'attenzione al cliente mi spinge a voler crescere nel campo della Quality Assurance e della UX/UI, continuando però a formarmi nello sviluppo front-end in quanto ritengo che la conoscenza, e l'applicazione, delle logiche di sviluppo agevolino molto anche la fase di analisi e di design.

10 €/cours

Offre un essai gratuit


Enseignant vérifié, modéré par l'équipe de Classgap

Nouveau Professeur

Montage vidéo

Hi! My name is Pedro and I have worked as a film editor in several different projects, ranging from music videos to feature films for the last six years. I have technical degrees both as a film director and as a computer graphics technician and have worked as a teacher for over a decade. I believe in a "learn by doing" approach, where the student learns by practicing in a context similar to the real world. I would love to share all the bits and pieces of knownledge I've gathered over the years with you. Looking forward to your message!

6 €/cours
Rafael A.

Rafael A.
Enseignant vérifié, modéré par l'équipe de Classgap

Nouveau Professeur

Mathématiques, Bureautique

Las clases se llevarán a cabo de forma virtual, lo que te brinda la flexibilidad de aprender desde la comodidad de tu hogar. Utilizaremos plataformas interactivas y herramientas en línea para ofrecer una experiencia de aprendizaje inmersiva y efectiva. Además, las clases serán personalizadas según tus necesidades y ritmo de aprendizaje, para garantizar tu éxito. ¡No esperes más para mejorar tus habilidades en matemáticas y ofimática! ¡Contáctame hoy mismo para más información y para reservar tu lugar en nuestras próximas clases!



19 €/cours

Enseignant vérifié, modéré par l'équipe de Classgap

Nouveau Professeur

Dessin Technique

¿Quieres aprender bien a dibujar y pintar? ¿Tienes ganas de dibujar pero nunca has sabido por dónde empezar, o si serás capaz de ello? Yo te puede enseñar desde cero, o ayudarte a perfeccionar tu nivel de dibujo o pintura, si ya vienes con algo de nivel. Soy artista y profesor con una enorme vocación por enseñar. Me encanta y enriquece mucho la relación con el alumno y disfruto orientando sus avances para que manejen con soltura la técnica y para que lleguen a expresarse de forma única. Dirijo la escuela de arte El Taller de La Salamandra en Madrid y diseño los programas de enseñanza del centro. Siempre trato de explorar técnicas pedagógicas que mejoren el rendimiento de nuestros alumnos. ¡Espero que te animes y arranques a aprender conmigo! Verás los avances desde la primera sesión.

16 €/cours

Enseignant vérifié, modéré par l'équipe de Classgap

Nouveau Professeur


Senior java developer with over a decade of expertise delivering web applications across a broad range of industries such as e-commerce, finance, pharmaceutical and the civil service. Adept at identifying bugs and prescribing solutions to problems.Having worked for a variety of companies ranging from the largest investment bank in the world to start up’s I have gained expertise in designing and developing software solutions. A strong advocate of test driven development and solid design principles.

15 €/cours

Offre un essai gratuit


Enseignant vérifié, modéré par l'équipe de Classgap

Nouveau Professeur

Programmation, Informatique

Hey there, I am Abhilash, a Software Engineer with 6 years of Industry experience and 3 years experience in mentoring online to students worldwide on Python, Linux and some other miscellaneous computer science related topics. Other than teaching I love to cook and read stories, whether in Novels or in comic books. Big superhero fans and into Mythological stories. I believe in giving real life examples and analogy while explaining a topic and also in adopting a teaching method bes suited for the student. I am happy to help you in your journey of learning and over one hurdles than come along the way.

5 €/cours

Enseignant vérifié, modéré par l'équipe de Classgap

Nouveau Professeur

Web Design, Designer Graphique

Salve a tutti, Sono Raffaele Borrelli un ragazzo di 30 anni e mi occupo di graphic e web design dal 2014. Sono laureato magistrale all'Accademia di Belle arti di Napoli in Graphic Design e ho svolto 4 anni di Master presso l'Ilas School Design. Nelle mie lezioni inizieremo dai primi concetti di comunicazione fino ad arrivare alla realizzazione di qualsiasi file pronto per la stampa. Nella lezioni di web design partiremo invece dalla fondamenta del web fino ad arrivare a sviluppare un sito vero e proprio.

10 €/cours

Offre un essai gratuit

Juan F.

Juan F.
Enseignant vérifié, modéré par l'équipe de Classgap

Nouveau Professeur


Tengo 10 años de ser programador de tiempo completo, he laborado para dos universidades de mi pías en las cuales he impartido diversos cursos de programación para alumnos de diferentes edades y niveles de conocimiento. Tengo amplios conocimientos en SQLServer, ASP.NET, MVC, CORE y aplicaciones de escritorio. He tenido bajo mi cargo y supervisión a muchos pasantes a los cuales con mucha paciencia le he ayudado a desarrollar sus conocimientos y técnicas en el ámbito profesional.

10 €/cours
Ameena F.

Ameena F.
Enseignant vérifié, modéré par l'équipe de Classgap

Nouveau Professeur

Programmation, Mathématiques

Hello! I am Ameena Fatima, Programming teacher, with a degree in Information Technology from the University of the Punjab. I have 2 years of experience giving online classes to secondary and high school students, with an emphasis on attaining grip on a logic building and programming. I like to organize online programming classes according to the learning objectives of each student. I will be delighted to be your online programming teacher, to help you excel with programming skills.

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