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Cours particuliers de technologie en ligne

11 €/cours

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Enseignant vérifié, modéré par l'équipe de Classgap

Nouveau Professeur

Mathématiques, Technologie

Las clases se dan entorno a los conceptos teóricos, a comprender los mismos para conocer bien el tema y poder aplicar dicha teoría a la práctica, para poder resolver cualquier clase de ejercicios haciéndolas amenas y fáciles de entender.



14 €/cours

Enseignant vérifié, modéré par l'équipe de Classgap

25 cours


Understand technical concepts deeply and preparing for technical interview is what I can do for you! Hello! I am a Software Engineer with a Master's degree in Computer Science. During the past 5 years, I have had experience programming in many programming languages, such as Golang and Nodejs. and Many databases like MySQL, MongoDb, Postgres , .. Helping you understand concepts deeply and writing codes step by step is what I can do for you. also I can help you for preparing the technical interview such as algorithms and system design. Each of my classes is different depending on the needs, interests, and level of each student.I like to share my knowledge with others. So, I will be glad to help you!

10 €/cours

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Marco A.

Marco A.
Enseignant vérifié, modéré par l'équipe de Classgap

Nouveau Professeur

Web Design, Programmation

PRINCIPALES CUALIFICACIONES. • Elaboración de materiales didácticos para entornos virtuales. • Amplia experiencia en cursos y programas de capacitación. • Instalación y configuración de plataformas de formación en línea. • Experiencia en software de diseño • Instructor certificado por Udemy para creación de cursos en línea • Trabajo en equipo • Programador y diseñador de interfaces web. • Administrador de base de datos. • Diseño de interfaces móviles. EDUCACION • Universidad Tecnológica [2021] Licenciatura en informática • IBEC Latam [2021] Competencias pedagógicas y digitales • Instituto Salvadoreño de Formación Profesional [2018] Taller de prácticas agiles con SCRUM • Viceministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología [2018] Certificación de gestores de cursos virtuales • Platzi [2014] Diseño web Online • Platzi [2014] Diseño gráfico de interfaces y experiencia de usuario • Google España [2014] Marketing Digital • Tecnológico de San Carlos Costa Rica [2013] Congreso de computación para el desarrollo • Centro de formación profesional ITR [2013] Diseño y elaboración de planes de estudio • Instituto Especializado de Educación Superior El Espíritu Santo [2012] Profesorado en sistemas Informáticos • Universidad Tecnológica [2010] Técnico en ingeniería de software • Centro Internacional de Formación (CIF / OIT) [2010] Diseño curricular baso por competencias • Centro Internacional de Formación (CIF / OIT) [2010] Diseño y desarrollo de módulos basados en competencias • Santilla Innovación [2009] Elaboración de módulos por competencias y evaluación. • Instituto Salvadoreño de Formación Profesional [2009] Competencias de comunicación y producción de informes. Con una metodología sencilla pero practica hago mis clases la mejor opción de aprendizaje utilizando las tecnologías de la información y comunicación. Entre mis experiencias laborales comparto las siguientes: ? Diseño, programación y del sitio web empresarial REMAX PUERTO RICO ? Diseño, programación y del sitio web empresarial REMAX CENTRAL AMERICA ? Diseño, programación y configuración de dominio y hosting DEFENSORIA DEL CONSUMIDOR ? Diseño de toda la interfaz y experiencia de usuario de la APP Defensoria 2.0. ? Implementación de Sistema de Gestión de proyectos para COLEGIO SANTA CECILIA ?Elaboración de materiales didácticos para diplomados virtuales ITCA – FEPADE ?Elaboración de materiales didácticos para cursos impartidos por INSAFORP en modalidad presencial y virtual para el CENTRO DE FORMACION PROFESIONAL RICALDONE

14 €/cours

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Enseignant vérifié, modéré par l'équipe de Classgap

Nouveau Professeur

Programmation, Web Design

Experienced web developer with a passion for sharing knowledge and empowering aspiring developers. With a proven track record in front-end and back-end technologies, I bring real-world industry insights to my role as a dedicated tutor. By providing hands-on guidance and fostering a collaborative learning environment, I strive to equip my students with the practical skills and creative mindset necessary to excel in the dynamic world of web development. Let's connect



20 €/cours

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Enseignant vérifié, modéré par l'équipe de Classgap

Nouveau Professeur


I am a Sr. Software Engineer with more than 7 years of experience in Mobility App Development (Android). I will teach you the basics of Android Developments from its fundamental elements to Professional hands-on examples, based on the learner's current expertise level and lesson plan. So, there is a lesson plan for Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced and Expert levels. I would only use relevant techniques which are required in the industry and will teach you Kotling language also as part of a separate lesson plan if required. I hope you will be able to write your own code and develop your own Android app from scratch by taking these lessons. Wish you all the best in your future ventures. Happy Coding :)

9 €/cours

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Enseignant vérifié, modéré par l'équipe de Classgap

Nouveau Professeur

Dessin Technique

Sobre mi Arquitecta egresada de la Universidad de Los Lagos, sede Puerto Montt. Realicé ayudantía en la Universidad cuando era estudiante, enseñando el manejo de los programas de AutoCAD y Sketchup. Trabajo de forma independiente y me encuentro formando una oficina junto a mis amigos. Sobre el curso Clases prácticas enfocada al desarrollo de un proyecto a elección haciendo uso del programa AutoCAD. El objetivo de la clase es brindar al estudiante las herramientas básicas para el desarrollo de sus proyectos. Las clases se imparten de forma online, va dirigido a estudiantes de Arquitectura y personas interesadas en aprender.

18 €/cours

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Safish M.

Safish M.
Enseignant vérifié, modéré par l'équipe de Classgap

41 cours


I will prepare a slide presentation of the the content I willI be teaching. To explain the programming part I will share my screen and show you live how the computer program is to be fed and executed. This will help the students to learn dos and don'ts while programming in a specific language. To make the session more interactive, I will incorporate some interactive slides where the student will have to answer the question to move forward. This will help me to understand whether the student has got the clear idea of the topic that is being taught.

7 €/cours

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Enseignant vérifié, modéré par l'équipe de Classgap

Nouveau Professeur


Greetings, I am Suryaa NT, a final-year B.Tech CSE student specializing in Artificial Intelligence at Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research, Chennai. With a commendable CGPA of 9.6, I bring a strong academic foundation coupled with a passion for teaching and learning. My journey in computer science and engineering has equipped me with robust problem-solving skills and a collaborative spirit. As a dedicated and curious individual, I thrive on tackling new challenges and finding solutions to intellectual problems. In the realm of technical proficiency, I am well-versed in Python and have successfully implemented various projects utilizing libraries like NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, and SciKit. Notable among them are an End-to-End Real-Time Gemstone Price Prediction system using Linear Regression and a Movie Recommendation System based on cosine similarity using Machine Learning. Beyond programming, I possess a solid understanding of C, C++, and Java, and have intermediate expertise in databases, data structures, and algorithms. My versatility extends to operating systems, as I am proficient in Windows and adaptable to MacOS based on project requirements. Furthermore, I have received training in IBM tools such as IBM Cognos BI and IBM SPSS, adding an additional layer to my technical skill set.

10 €/cours

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Enseignant vérifié, modéré par l'équipe de Classgap

Nouveau Professeur

UX/UI Design, Designer Graphique

Potenzia la Tua Creatività: Un Viaggio nel Mondo del Design e della Grafica Sei pronto a esplorare le infinite possibilità del design e della grafica? Sono un insegnante appassionato e esperto, pronto ad accompagnarti in un avvincente viaggio di apprendimento. Le mie lezioni abbracciano una vasta gamma di argomenti, tra cui progettazione grafica, impaginazione, web design, UX e UI design, e prestampa. Attraverso approcci didattici dinamici e coinvolgenti, ti insegnerò le competenze fondamentali e le migliori pratiche per creare opere d'arte digitali di impatto. Che tu sia un principiante che desidera acquisire una base solida o uno studente più avanzato che vuole affinare le proprie abilità, adatterò il mio insegnamento alle tue esigenze specifiche. Condividerò con te i segreti del design efficace, la scienza della tipografia, l'arte della composizione e molto altro ancora. Inoltre, ti guiderò nell'esplorazione di strumenti e software all'avanguardia utilizzati nell'industria. Preparati ad essere ispirato, sfidato e a scoprire il potenziale creativo che si nasconde dentro di te. Unisciti a me per abbracciare l'arte del design e trasformare la tua passione in una carriera di successo.

29 €/cours

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József C.

József C.
Enseignant vérifié, modéré par l'équipe de Classgap

Nouveau Professeur


Hello, my name is Joe Cserko. I have a Master's Degree in computer science and teaching. I am a course leader and coach in web development and an assistant teacher at a local University. My main fields are Angular, CSS, HTML, JAVASCRIPT, and TypeScript. I like to teach and want to make good relationships with the students. My teaching style is absolutely practice-based. I provide many good examples and exercises to help you develop your programming skills. In classes, we will work on real-world projects and example applications together. I used to give you homework and interesting projects.

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