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Cours particuliers de musique en ligne

15 €/cours

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Enseignant vérifié, modéré par l'équipe de Classgap

5 cours

Chant, Musique

Ciao a tutti! mi chiamo Francesca, ho 32 anni e sono nel mondo delle lezioni private da più di dieci anni. L'approccio alla materia è: VIA LA NOIA! Tutte le lezioni, anche le più complesse, sono affrontate con una metodologia volta al rendere pratico ed attuale qualsiasi argomento. Qualsiasi argomento viene affrontato in maniera dinamica, interattiva e divertente; lo studio nozionistico infatti oltre ad essere assolutamente vetusto e noioso è inutile! Ci si chiede sempre "perché dovrei imparare questo? " quando la domanda dovrebbe essere " Perché ancora non ne sapevo niente?" Il mondo è una fonte inesauribile di novità, bellezza ed idee...perché non iniziare insieme questa avventura?



10 €/cours

Enseignant vérifié, modéré par l'équipe de Classgap

Nouveau Professeur


Hola! Soy Cande, tengo 25 años. Actualmente estoy por recibirme como Licenciada en Artes Dramáticas, en la Universidad Nacional de las Artes 🎭 y como Terapeuta Corporal Bioenergética 💃. 👉Comencé con mis estudios de canto a mis 12 años. Actualmente estoy formándome con el Método Funcional de la Voz. Dentro de mis estudios con la voz, experimenté técnicas de Exploración Vocal, Doblaje, y Metodología en la escucha de las dificultades vocales. 👉El objetivo de las clases es acompañarte a qué liberes y expreses tu voz de manera segura para que puedas experimentar el gozo por cantar. Vamos a utilizar herramientas Bioenergéticas y del Método funcional de la Voz, ambas lo que buscan es comenzar a regular nuestro Sistema Nervioso ya que este permite abrir nuestro canal expresivo y disfrutar de nuestra voz o no. Por eso a través de encontrar seguridad desde el cuerpo vamos a experimentar la misma seguridad en nuestra voz. Trabajaremos para volver a tener una respiración orgánica, natural y espontánea. La dinámica del trabajo que haremos es: Movimiento corporal, relajación, enraizamiento, exploración, percepción de sensaciones, seguridad, expansión, vocalización. Para quién así lo requiera trabajamos con una canción y vemos cuestiones de afinación y de PRESENCIA ESCÉNICA. Pero lo que propongo es más bien exploratorio, que expandas tu voz, ganes seguridad y encuentres placer al cantar. 📣Te quiero ofrecer algo más que clases comunes de canto, quiero que exploremos tu voz en profundidad, quiero que juegues y te diviertas. Y quiero que te conectes, que puedas sentir tu voz. Considero que somos personas integrales, es decir, el cuerpo y las emociones son fundamentales al momento de expresar nuestra voz, si estamos cansados o alegres, nuestra postura, nuestras tensiones se verán reflejadas en nuestra voz, por ende considero totalmente necesario hacer este trabajo corporal que te menciono. Es preciso tener un contacto amoroso con tu voz, empezar a jugar, explorar, CONOCERLA para darle lugar y habitarla. Hacernos cargo de nuestra propia voz , expresarla en su totalidad, interpretar y llegar a otros requiere de un contacto con tu interior genuino, vulnerable, de un gran autoconocimiento. Tus emociones y sensaciones acá son bienvenidas, respetadas y validadas. Te invito a hacerte cargo de tu VOZ. Y hacerte cargo de VOS. ✨Poder expresarnos libremente, sin juicio, con total plenitud y confianza va a transmitirse en una voz empoderada que irá ganando fuerza no solo al momento de cantar sino tambien al momento de hablar. Las clases pueden ser grupales o individuales. Si resonás con esta modalidad de trabajo, te espero 🥰

20 €/cours

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Enseignant vérifié, modéré par l'équipe de Classgap

Nouveau Professeur


Bonjour! Je m'appelle Beatriz Acosta et je suis professeur de violon et d’alto! 🎻 J'ai un bachelor en musique et deux masters en interprétation musi...



24 €/cours

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Enseignant vérifié, modéré par l'équipe de Classgap

Nouveau Professeur

Piano, Musique

Hello! My name is Egor, and I am a pianist, composer and music producer. My main activities are teaching piano, composing music and performing at various concerts. Also, I produce music (from the original idea: lyrics, harmonies, etc. to sound-design and distribution). I have bachelor’s and master’s degrees by the program of performing on the piano in the music theatres as an academic pianist and an artist. I am a winner of regional and international music competitions. In my classes I teach not only beginners but intermediate and advanced piano players. Even though you are not looking for a professional piano career, learning music is the great possibility to improve your various kinds of skills. You will become more confident in communicating with people, you will be able to meet new people who’s also obsessed with music and art, and furthermore you will be able to create your own pieces and songs. In teaching I combine classical and modern approaches in order to accomplish our mutual goals with a student. It includes the dialectical method of teaching by the very honourable piano teacher and pianist Heinrich Neuhaus. Also, in my lessons I connect teaching piano with psychology so that we are able to achieve the best result. My fortune was to discover the piano because I was the type of a person who always thought that the music world is closed for regular people. And that was the point that I hadn’t taken piano lessons when I used to be a child before I started it only in my 20's. Now, I am a professional pianist, teacher and composer who has won regional and international musical contests. These days I teach many students all over the world from Los Angeles to Warsaw. Also, I released a couple of piano and electronic albums. I have a systemised course of studying music that includes following themes: 1. Elementary Theory of Music; 2. Classic and jazz harmony; 3. Creating an accompaniment for your favourite songs; 4. Embodiment of an artistic image; 5. Basic performing skills. I can help to make your dream of playing piano come true. I will be waiting for everyone who has a passion for music and piano!

19 €/cours

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Enseignant vérifié, modéré par l'équipe de Classgap

Nouveau Professeur


¡Hola! Mi nombre es Natacha Torrealba, y soy fonoaudióloga con una gran pasión por la música. He dedicado muchos años a aprender piano, teoría musical y canto (popular y lírico). Complementé mis conocimientos musicales con la carrera de fonoaudiología, que me dio una sólida base en la fisiología de la voz, tanto hablada como cantada, para ofrecer herramientas adaptadas a las necesidades vocales de cada persona. Doy clases tanto en inglés como en español, siendo el español mi lengua materna.



25 €/cours

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Enseignant vérifié, modéré par l'équipe de Classgap

16 cours

Chant, Piano

Hi, I'm Catherine and I'm here to help you find your voice!!! What you will learn in our lessons: -Singing -The basics of voice training, -Deeper knowledge of anatomy, understanding of the vocal function of the body, auditory empowerment, and concentration techniques. -Voice protection techniques to avoid damage -Research into alternating use of body resonators for corresponding changes in voice quality. -Tips about nutrition, exercise, health and lifestyle counseling. -Combination, if desired by the student, of dance and theater techniques with singing. -Provision of bibliography and support of assignments. My teaching approach centers on the character, existing knowledge and the goals of the student. My priority is to support the uniqueness of each student. In my lessons, the rules of music work together with the individual elements of the student, so that they are an evolutionary incentive and not a limiting device. My goal is to promote the student's critical thinking so that he learns to function autonomously, having received a holistic knowledge of the body's function and psychology as vocal tools, treating the voice as a musical instrument. My Degrees: -Master in Musical Performance - Kingston University of London- 2017-2018 -Contemporary Song Degree (Grade Excellent) – Rhythm Conservatory 2005-2011 -Bachelor and Master - Aristotle University of Thessaloniki - Theater School, 2010-2016 More specifically: I am a graduate of Rhythmos Conservatory of Greece, with a degree in contemporary singing with a grade of Excellent, as well as a MA music graduate, entitled as MA in Music Performance - Voice (2017-2018) of Kingston University in London. My dissertation title is “Singing with growl: Methods and Techniques”. My studies in vocals last more than 14 years (2005-2018): Municipal Conservatory of Nea Ionia, Volos (2005-2009), Conservatory "Rhythmos" of Volos (2010-2011), Conservatory of Northern Greece (Thessaloniki 2012-2013) and private tuitions with Evi Siamanta (Thessaloniki 2013-2014), Ioli Skourti (Volos 2005-2011) and Aliki Dourmazer-research of alternative ways of speaking and stage presence (Thessaloniki 2015-2016), Susan Blair (modern vocals) and Meredith White (jazz -self-planning) (2017-2018) in the context of my MA studies. I am a Bachelor and Integrated MA graduate of the Theater Department of the Fine Arts School in the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (2010-2016): Dissertation on vocal techniques in musical theatre performance. In order to combine the vocal art with other types of arts and to observe their interaction, I have been taught different types of dance from 2005 to 2017: Jazz, Oriental, Modern Dance, Latin, Contemporary, Ballet, Tango, Musical Theatre. I have also attended piano, guitar, music theory, sound recording, freehand drawing classes, as I have also participated in similar seminars. I teach one to one and group tuitions in Contemporary Singing, pop, rock, jazz-improvisation, folk. I address all ages. Why would anyone prefer me: In my classes, I teach modern singing, the basics of vocal education, a deeper knowledge of the body function in relation to vocalisation (anatomy and understanding of vocal function in the body) and also voice awareness through the ear practising and mind concentration. The vocal protection techniques are major to avoid damage of the vocal system, as well as the research on the human body resonations, which change the vocal quality, are important elements of the course. I also provide advice on nutrition, exercise, health and lifestyle in relation to the vocal function. Finally, I emphasise, if this is desired by the student, in the combination of dance and theatre techniques with the voice. My teaching approach focuses on the nature, the already existing knowledge and the goals of the learner. My priority is to support the uniqueness of each student. The rules of music cooperate with the individual elements of the student, so that they become an evolutionary motivation and not a limiting means. My goal is to promote the student's critical thinking so that he/she learns to function independently, having received a holistic knowledge of the body functionality and its psychology, seeing himself/herself as vocal instruments, treating the voice as a musical instrument. Why I have chosen teaching (motivation, goals): I understand the educational process as a result of cooperation. Therefore, with the help of dialogue and meaningful communication, I aim to create a free field of expression for a student's needs. Additional: I can also provide the student with personal notes, or support his/her individual research (ex. Dissertation, thesis, etc.). Teaching online experience: I really love teaching online as this helps me communicate my art with people from all around the world. I am fully equipped with all the appropriate electronic fittings to make my lessons have the sense of a face to face teaching experience. That means I use two cameras to make obvious two different points of view and show the appropriate body posture for singing in the best way, I also use mirrors, books, whiteboards to write down things about music theory and of course my piano, microphones and amplifiers. I like to make sure that the students feel I am there, close to them, and feel as much content as they would be by doing a lesson at their home! Professional experience: • Contemporary Singing Teaching (2017- today) • Live performances in various music stages in Greece, as a lead singer and piano accompanimentist. Organisation of various musical bands (Thessaloniki 2011-2016). • Musical performance performances: With the professional musical group "K's Blink" at the Thessaloniki Concert Hall (December 2015, March 2016), participation in the World Musical Festival of AUTh. Upcoming performances at the Thessaloniki Concert Hall in February 2017. • Studio recordings (home studios and professional): As a lead voice or vocal accompaniment (Thessaloniki, 2013-2016). • Participation in Foustani’s art festival (August 2013). • Participation in the Open Salonica dance competition - 1st place in the Modern jazz category (Thessaloniki, March 2014). • Performances at dance events with the modern jazz dance group "Avant-Garde" choreographed by Aspasia Vasilaki (Thessaloniki 2012-2013). • Member of the theatre group "Silent Applause" (Thessaloniki 2011) and the theatre group of the Department of Physics of Aristotle (Thessaloniki 2013). • Cheerleader in the dance school "Chorus Line" (Volos, 2006). • Director of a few minutes performances as part of Brecht's theatre school classes: "The Circle with the Chalk" by Brecht, "Unspoken Bond" by myself and "Oblivion" with personal written text). • Presentations of scenographic constructions, such as puppets, masks, stage objects, trash art, some of which were presented in art exhibitions, in the context of theatre school lessons. • Theatrical drama-play lessons for children and adults in the context of the theatre school. • Participation in the annual music band competition at Eightball (Thessaloniki, 2014). • Concerts as a choir member of: Mixed Choir of Thessaloniki (Thessaloniki Concert Hall-musical tribute to KP Cavafi, performed by lead singer George Dalaras in compositions by Alexandros Karozas) and Choir of Agios Kyrillos and Methodius (Thessaloniki 2014).


Enseignant vérifié, modéré par l'équipe de Classgap

Nouveau Professeur


Coaching vocal sur la technique, l'interprétation et le ressenti corporel ⏤ Après avoir passée toute ma vie dans le milieu de la musique ayant des parents artistes, j'en ai suivi la ligne. Rentrée au conservatoire à 6 ans en d...



12 €/cours

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Enseignant vérifié, modéré par l'équipe de Classgap

109 cours


J'utilise la méthode Suzuki mais aussi des chansons selon vos goûts musicaux ⏤ J'ai une carrière d'ingénieur mais j'ai toujours été amoureux de la musique. J'ai commencé à étudier piano et quelques années plus tard j'ai commencé ...

18 €/cours

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Enseignant vérifié, modéré par l'équipe de Classgap

Nouveau Professeur


My name is Veronika, I am from Ukraine. I am a 4th year student of Kharkiv National University of Arts. For the second academic year I am participating in the Erasmus+ program in Spain. I have participated in various orchestras, projects and had some teaching practice.I would like to share my experience and knowledge with you. To talk about your musical goals and to achieve them together with you :) If you are not from Russia, I will be glad to see you at a trial lesson where we can discuss your musical goals and we will achieve them together I have a lot of experience in the music field. through concerts, programs and projects. I want to share everything that can be useful for you in this field, not only as a teacher but also as a performer, to guide you and help you to achieve your small and maybe big musical desires :) Меня зовут Вероника, я из Украины. Я студентка 4-го курса Харьковского национального университета искусств. Уже второй учебный год я участвую в программе Erasmus+ в Испании. Я участвовала в различных оркестрах, проектах и имела некоторую преподавательскую практику. Я бы хотела поделиться с вами своим опытом и знаниями. Поговорить о ваших музыкальных целях и достичь их вместе с вами :) Если вы не из России, я буду рада видеть вас на пробном уроке, где мы сможем обсудить ваши музыкальные цели и достичь их вместе У меня большой опыт работы в музыкальной сфере. Через концерты, программы и проекты. Я хочу поделиться всем, что может быть полезным для вас в этой сфере, не только как преподаватель, но и как исполнитель, направить вас и помочь вам достичь ваших маленьких, а может и больших музыкальных желаний :)

16 €/cours

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Enseignant vérifié, modéré par l'équipe de Classgap

Nouveau Professeur


Hola! Me llamo Sabatina, soy de Indonesia pero ahora vivo en Madrid, España. He estado enseñando piano hace 6 años. Mientras de mi camino en tocar el piano, menos mal que he terminado grado 8 de ABRSM para piano clasico. Estoy contenta para enseñar piano a todas las edades, porque creo que la gente puede empezar aprender piano en cualquier momento. Ayudo los estudiantes para tener sus objetivos para tocar el piano, con se sus metas y aprendemos poco a poco. Normalmente enseño piano en pop y clasico. Muchas gracias para su tiempo y no dudes contactarme!

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