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Enseignant vérifié, modéré par l'équipe de Classgap

Nouveau Professeur

Economie, Comptabilité

Greetings! I'm Chris Harry, your guide through the fascinating worlds of Economics and Accounting. With 7 years of experience in the field, I bring a wealth of practical knowledge and academic insights to our virtual classroom. As a passionate educator, I believe that learning should be an exciting adventure, and my mission is to make complex concepts accessible to learners of all backgrounds. 🎓 What to Expect 🎓 Whether you're a student looking to excel in your coursework, a professional aiming to expand your skill set, or simply someone who loves learning about how money moves, my courses cater to a wide range of interests and goals. From beginner-friendly introductions to advanced topics, you'll find meticulously crafted lessons that foster a deep understanding of economics and accounting principles. 📊 Economics Unveiled 📊 Delve into the fascinating world of economics, where we'll explore microeconomics and macroeconomics, dissecting supply and demand curves, understanding market structures, and unraveling the intricacies of economic policy. Through real-world examples and interactive activities, you'll develop the ability to analyze economic phenomena and make informed decisions. 💰 Mastering Accounting 💰 Accounting might seem daunting, but fear not! With my guidance, you'll unlock the secrets of balance sheets, income statements, and cash flow statements. From basic bookkeeping to advanced financial analysis, my courses will empower you to navigate the financial landscape with confidence. Whether you're a future accountant, entrepreneur, or curious learner, accounting will no longer hold any secrets. 📈 Your Path to Success 📈 Embark on a transformative learning journey that equips you with valuable skills applicable in academia, business, and everyday life. Whether you're striving to excel in exams, enhance your career prospects, or simply satiate your curiosity, my courses provide the tools you need to succeed. Ready to embark on an intellectual adventure? Enroll now and let's get started on this exciting educational journey!

15 €/cours

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Enseignant vérifié, modéré par l'équipe de Classgap

Nouveau Professeur


¡Hola! Soy Diseñadora Gráfica, con especialización en diseño de sitios web y multimedia, y me desempeño como profesional independiente desde 2006. En 2016 formalicé mis estudios en Community Manager, tras ejercer esta labor desde 2011. Durante mucho tiempo, he estado inmersa en el análisis y trabajo en redes sociales, comprendiendo a fondo tanto el idioma como los algoritmos. Mi enfoque se centra en la creación de contenido valioso y relevante para tu audiencia. Además, tuve la oportunidad de ser docente en institutos privados, donde diseñé la formación para Gestores de Comunidades Virtuales, con certificación oficial del Ministerio de la provincia de Santa Fe. Disfruto enseñar de manera dinámica y ágil, utilizando ejemplos prácticos, ejercicios en clase y material visual atractivo. Mis clases son altamente entretenidas, y tengo la flexibilidad para adaptar el contenido al nivel de aprendizaje de cada individuo. Una de las experiencias más enriquecedoras como docente es ayudar a mis alumnos a identificar y conectar con su "Cliente Ideal". Todos lo tenemos, y descubrirlo es un arte. Mis habilidades como Coach Ontológico me permiten acompañarte en la exploración de las características de ese cliente ideal. A partir de este descubrimiento, todo cobra sentido y se organiza de manera maravillosa. Encuentras la motivación necesaria para comunicarte de forma efectiva con tu emprendimiento, surgiendo de manera natural tu propósito, sus necesidades y por qué eres la mejor opción para ellos. Ya sea que desees avanzar en tu profesión actual o aspirar a ser Community Manager para otros proyectos, la definición precisa del Cliente Ideal será la clave para destacarte, encontrar tu mensaje, definir la estética y voz de marca que debes comunicar en tus redes. Además, te guiaré para desarrollar una imagen profesional única y destacada, creando plantillas a medida que podrás utilizar en tu proyecto. ¿Qué puedes esperar de mis clases? Análisis exhaustivo de tu emprendimiento, identificación de tu cliente ideal y definición del tono de comunicación. Establecimiento de tu Propuesta Única de Valor y tu promesa. Conocimiento detallado sobre el funcionamiento de Instagram, los formatos que impulsan el crecimiento y estrategias para lograr un mayor alcance en tus publicaciones. Creación de una estrategia de contenidos basada en pilares de información, para luego diseñar tu calendario de publicaciones y programarlas utilizando Meta Business Suite. Aprendizaje para interpretar tus estadísticas y comprender qué publicaciones están teniendo un mejor desempeño y qué está buscando tu audiencia. Estrategias efectivas para historias y reels. Utilización de Canva para tus diseños. Te invito a una entrevista gratuita de 20 minutos para evaluar juntas si esta propuesta se ajusta a tus necesidades. Mi especialización se centra en apoyar emprendimientos que ofrecen servicios relacionados con la salud, estética, bienestar, coaching, terapia, psicología y profesionales en general.

17 €/cours

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Enseignant vérifié, modéré par l'équipe de Classgap

Nouveau Professeur

Comptabilité, Finances

Hola! Soy Paloma, licenciada en Economía por la UGR y máster en Contabilidad y Auditoria por la UAM (MACAM). Además trabajo como consultora financiera y cuento con más de 10 años de experiencia en el mundo de la contabilidad. Mi trabajo en una de las top 4 empresas del mundo en asesoramiento contable me ha permitido trabajar en Europa, América o Australia. Compagino mi trabajo con mi pasión por la enseñanza. Mis clases son principalmente para estudiantes de habla hispana pero si lo necesitas, puedo dar mis clases en inglés.

15 €/cours

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Enseignant vérifié, modéré par l'équipe de Classgap

Nouveau Professeur


Welcome to my digital marketing classes, where practical skills meet innovative strategies to propel you to success in the dynamic world of digital marketing. 1. Comprehensive Curriculum: - **Foundations to Advanced Techniques:** Whether you're just starting out or looking to refine your skills, my classes cover everything from the basics of digital marketing to advanced strategies. - **Core Topics**: SEO, content marketing, social media management, PPC advertising, email marketing, and data analytics. 2. Hands-On Learning: - **Real-World Projects:** Gain practical experience with projects that mimic real-world scenarios, allowing you to apply what you’ve learned in a meaningful way. - **Live Campaigns:** Work on live campaigns to understand how digital strategies are implemented and measured. 3. Personalized Attention: - **Tailored Feedback:** Receive individual feedback on your work, helping you to understand your strengths and areas for improvement. - **One-on-One Sessions:** Benefit from personalized guidance and support through individual coaching sessions. 4. Up-to-Date Content: - **Latest Trends and Tools:** Stay current with the latest trends and tools in digital marketing, ensuring you’re always ahead of the curve. - **Industry Insights:** Learn from case studies and examples from leading brands and successful campaigns. 5.Interactive and Engaging: - **Dynamic Classes:** Participate in interactive workshops, discussions, and group activities that make learning engaging and effective. - **Q&A and Discussion Forums:** Access to ongoing Q&A sessions and discussion forums where you can ask questions and collaborate with peers. 6.Practical Skills for Career Growth: - **Job-Ready Skills:** Develop practical skills that are directly applicable to the digital marketing industry, enhancing your resume and career prospects. - **Certification Preparation:** Prepare for industry-recognized certifications to boost your credentials and job opportunities. 7. Supportive Learning Environment: - **Encouraging Atmosphere**: A supportive environment where you can learn, grow, and ask questions without hesitation. -**Continuous Support**: Ongoing support even after the classes to help you implement what you've learned and achieve your career goals. Join my digital marketing classes to unlock your potential and gain the expertise needed to excel in the digital landscape. Together, we’ll build the skills and confidence you need to make a significant impact in your career.

25 €/cours

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Enseignant vérifié, modéré par l'équipe de Classgap

Nouveau Professeur


Hello! I'm a Chartered Accountant on a mission to make accounting not just understandable but exciting! 💼🌟 My passion lies in teaching, particularly working with students pursuing their Bachelors in Accounting & Finance. I bring real-world expertise to the classroom, weaving in practical insights to demystify complex concepts. Together, let's turn numbers into a fascinating adventure and lay a strong foundation for your future success! Join me in exploring the vibrant world of finance! Let's dive into the world of finance together! 🚀💡

8 €/cours

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Enseignant vérifié, modéré par l'équipe de Classgap
Afrique du Sud

Nouveau Professeur


Hello, everybody!Im teacher Jairos from South Africa. I hold a Bachelor of Commerce in Accounting from Midlands State University in which i specilised with Accounting, Finance, Business studies, Economics and Business English.I have vast teaching experience teaching Accounting, Economics and Business English while helping students pass their exams in such suject.Im therefore confident that i can also help make your own learning dream a reality.Most importantly, i regard every student as unique and as such each lesson is planned to suit the special circumstances of each student.


Enseignant vérifié, modéré par l'équipe de Classgap

Nouveau Professeur

Economie, Marketing

Ciao, sono Emanuele, docente abilitato in economia, ho una laurea in international management conseguita con 110/110 e un master in innovation retail and e-marketing. Sono qui per aiutarvi a raggiungere i vostri obiettivi, la lezione si concentrerà principalmente sui temi che possono sembrare più ostici all'alunno, ma che insieme attraverseremo utilizzando un approccio personalizzato. Come insegnante privato, adotto un metodo di insegnamento flessibile che si adatta alle vostre esigenze individuali. Durante la lezione tipo, inizieremo con una breve introduzione al tema, seguita da una discussione interattiva per assicurarmi che abbiate una comprensione solida dei concetti chiave. Successivamente, utilizzeremo tecniche di apprendimento attivo, come esempi pratici, esercizi guidati e quiz, per rinforzare la vostra comprensione e migliorare la vostra padronanza del materiale. Sarò sempre disponibile per rispondere alle vostre domande e offrire chiarimenti quando necessario, garantendo così che il vostro apprendimento sia il più efficace possibile. Insieme, affronteremo con successo gli ostacoli che si presentano lungo il percorso verso il vostro successo educativo.

20 €/cours

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Enseignant vérifié, modéré par l'équipe de Classgap
Afrique du Sud

Nouveau Professeur

Economie, Microéconomie

"Hello, students! My name is Yusuf, and I am thrilled to have the opportunity to introduce myself to you. As a teacher, I believe in creating a dynamic and engaging learning environment that sets me apart from other educators. What makes me different is my approachability and dedication to building a strong rapport with my students. I prioritize creating a safe and inclusive space where you feel comfortable asking questions, sharing your thoughts, and actively participating in class discussions. In terms of class organization, I strive for a well-structured and interactive learning experience. I design my lessons to be student-centered, incorporating a variety of teaching methods such as group activities, multimedia presentations, and real-world examples to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter. Additionally, I encourage open dialogue and collaboration, as I believe that learning is a collective effort. Now, let's talk about trust. Trust is paramount in a teacher-student relationship, and I am committed to earning your trust through my actions. I am dedicated to your growth and success, and I am here to support you every step of the way. You can approach me with any concerns, questions, or ideas, and I will actively listen and provide guidance. My goal is to be not just your teacher, but also your mentor and advocate. In terms of languages, I am proficient in English, Zulu and Xhosa South African languages. This linguistic diversity allows me to connect with students from different cultural backgrounds and create an inclusive learning environment. I firmly believe that language should never be a barrier to education, and I am committed to ensuring that all students feel heard and understood.

8 €/cours

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Enseignant vérifié, modéré par l'équipe de Classgap

Nouveau Professeur

Coaching, Sportif

Soy Elenice Hamilton, diseñadora multimedia y coach de gimnasia rítmica y artística, certificada en NCCP Ontario Canadá, con 9 años de experiencia dando clases a niños de diferentes edades. Soy apasionada por el deporte y disfruto mi profesión. Me encanta desarrollar programas divertidos que permita que l@s gimnastas disfruten la gimnasia ayudando a cada estudiante a alcanzar su máximo potencial y proporcionando una base excelente para la gimnasia competitiva y el entusiasmo de cada nivel.

7 €/cours

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Myrian G.

Myrian G.
Enseignant vérifié, modéré par l'équipe de Classgap

Nouveau Professeur


Hola, soy Myrian, soy abogada y mediadora, hace mas de 1 año de experiencia dando clases online. Me gusta organizar las clases de español online según los objetivos de aprendizaje de cada alumno y poniendo énfasis en el lenguaje técnico en el caso de que seas abogado o mediador/a y contarte un poco de cultura de mi país de origen Argentina. ¡Estaré encantada de ser tu profesora de español online, para ayudarte a conseguir todo aquello que te propongas en cuanto a tu nivel en el idioma!

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