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Profesores de competencias empresariales online



30 €/clase
Dr. K.

Dr. K.
Profesor verificado, moderado por el equipo de Classgap

Profesor Nuevo


I believe teahcing is successful only if the student is able to apply the concepts on his own in real life. I believe its important to relate the theories to practical aspects through case studies, relevant examples and scenarios. I am an expert in areas of Human Resource Management, Organization Behaviour, Training and Development, Performance Management system, Marketing Management, Basic IT skills and Business Environment.


Profesor verificado, moderado por el equipo de Classgap

Profesor Nuevo


Coaching integral a través del Yoga y la Meditación. ¡Es hora de brillar! ⏤ ¡Hola! Me llamo María y soy profesora de Yoga y Meditación. Me dedico a brindar herramientas indias y mayas para que las personas se sientan en armoní...



30 €/clase

Profesor verificado, moderado por el equipo de Classgap

Profesor Nuevo

Economía, Microeconomía

Dottore in un Master of Science (M.Sc.) degree in FINANCIAL MARKETS AND INSTITUTIONS - FINANCE PROFILE presso la facoltà di Scienze bancarie, finanziarie e assicurative dell'Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano con 110/110 cum laude Ha conseguito il Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) degree in ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT - FINANCE PROFILE presso la facoltà di Economia dell’Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano con una tesi dal titolo “Central Bank Digital Currencies: un excursus sul Digital Euro” dalla votazione di 110/110 cum laude. È stato Financial Accountant presso Banca Sella S.p.A. e altre aziende del settore. Attualmente svolge il praticantato da dottore commercialista presso l’ordine territoriale e revisore legale dei conti presso il Ministero dell’Economia e delle Finanze. È membro HR & Performance Development presso l’associazione Starting Finance Italia. È tuttora Tutor di facoltà di Economia e Tutor privato di ripetizioni nel campo economico-scientifico. Sulla base delle esigenze dello studente sviluppa delle lezioni ad hoc (online) con il sussidio di piattaforme informatiche utili per condividere materiali e rendere più stimolate ogni lezione. Per tale ragione è Microeconomics Content Creator presso Docsity.

16 €/clase

Ofrece prueba gratuita

Francesca G.

Francesca G.
Profesor verificado, moderado por el equipo de Classgap

Profesor Nuevo

Contabilidad, Microeconomía

In 2021, I graduated from Odense Business School, Denmark, in International Business Management. Thereafter, I worked as a freelancer Business Developer and Consultant for some large international companies. I am an inquisitive person and I love to travel. After spending about five years abroad, in September 2023, I moved to Venice where I am currently located. Here, I started a second master's degree program taught in English which focuses on Quantitative Finance. Overall, I am an optimistic person and embrace challenges! Along with my studies in Denmark, I mastered an interactive and engaging teaching method, which I currently use to hold my lessons. Together, we will run the extra mile but we will never get bored. I always try to provide practical implications of theoretical concepts with everyday examples: if we can "experience it" it's easier to understand and remember it over time. Whether it's catching up on a low grade, having a crash course to pass final tests, preparing for exams, or gaining more competence in the economic field, my goal is to help you pursue this goal to the best of my abilities. I love when my students ask plenty of questions and are eager to dig deeper! I would rather agree on the lesson's topics t in advance so that I can prepare notes, if necessary. My teaching field encompasses, Accounting, Economics, and Statistics (with Excel), Mathematics, Italian Private Law, English (for professional or academic purposes), and Italian for foreigners (starting, of course, from English). Occasionally, I also offer support for using the Office suite. Last... but the least: this is the first time on the Classgap. Hitherto, I can count about 110 teaching hours on similar websites.



10 €/clase
Christian L.

Christian L.
Profesor verificado, moderado por el equipo de Classgap

115 clases

Economía, Inglés

Puedo enseñar casi todo. ⏤ Hola! Soy Christian, tengo 6 años de experiencia. Tengo un doctorado en economía de Northwestern University en Chicago, USA. Sin embargo, me encant...


Profesor verificado, moderado por el equipo de Classgap

Profesor Nuevo


Professeur d'économie-gestion depuis 4 ans, j'ai eu l'opportunité d'enseigner à des filières générales (SES), STMG ( économie, droit, management, sciences de gestion, mercatique + Le dossier de première et le projet de terminale) ainsi qu'en bac pro (série tertiaire et production). Ci-dessous mon parcours académique et professionnel: -Major de promotion de la Licence d'économie-gestion au sein de l'Université de Rouen Normandie; -Master 1 en Analyse et Politiques Économiques; -Master 2 en Economics & Finance (Université Lumière Lyon 2, ENS, EM Lyon) -Master 2 en Management et Administration des Entreprises (IAE Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne); -Chef de Projet Organisation et Transformation Digitale (Groupe BPCE) Je dispense des cours particuliers depuis le début de mes études supérieures et je suis très heureux de voir les trajectoires que mes anciens élèves ont emprunté dans la construction de leur avenir professionnel. Mon objectif est d'améliorer votre niveau dans les disciplines concernées et de vous préparer au mieux pour obtenir votre diplôme.

9 €/clase

Ofrece prueba gratuita

Cesar D.

Cesar D.
Profesor verificado, moderado por el equipo de Classgap

Profesor Nuevo

Economía, Finanzas

Profesor de Economía (Micro y Macro economía, Econometría, Teoría de Juegos) ⏤ Saludos a todos mis futuros estudiantes, Mi nombre es César Mateus, soy un colombiano que cursó su formación como economista en la Universidad Javeria...


Profesor verificado, moderado por el equipo de Classgap

Profesor Nuevo

Finanzas, Deportes

Profesor de Administración con conocimientos en el area de Recursos Humanos ⏤ Soy Especialista de Gestión de Talento Humano en las Organizaciones, Prof. de Educación Física y Técnico Superior Universitario en Administración, Líd...


Profesor verificado, moderado por el equipo de Classgap

Profesor Nuevo


Profesor Gestión Económica Empresarial por 5 años para ingeniero o equivalente. ⏤ ¡Hola 👋! Soy Lesyán Sánchez, profesor de la licenciatura en Contabilidad y Finanzas en la Universidad Central " Marta Abreu " de Las Villas, Cuba. E...


Profesor verificado, moderado por el equipo de Classgap

Profesor Nuevo

Macroeconomía, Microeconomía

Hello, I'm Federico Meschini. I am a Master's student in Macroeconomics at the University of Rome La Sapienza, and I have had the opportunity to work at the European Central Bank concurrently. This experience has opened my eyes to the intricate economic dynamics that influence our daily lives. What sets me apart is my passion for teaching. Over the past few years, I've discovered how much I enjoy sharing the knowledge I've gained with others and helping them develop a deep understanding of economics. My lessons are not a standard script. I tailor them to your individual needs because I understand that each of you has different goals and strengths. Whether you are a high school student, a university student, or a professional seeking new skills, I have the necessary experience to guide you on your learning journey. My goal is to make economics no longer an enigma but a fascinating world to explore and understand. I'm here to answer your questions, clarify complex concepts, and help you succeed in your studies. So, don't hesitate to contact me and begin this learning journey together. It will be a pleasure to get to know you and help you achieve your goals in economics!

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