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Hi! My name is Will, I'm a uni student at Exeter. And hopefully your new Maths tutor. My strengths lie in most areas of Maths (except maybe statistics aha). Before each of our lessons, I would request that you give me all of the issues you have encountered over whatever topics you are studying. I believe the most efficient way to learn a concept is to break it down into the most simple core concept and then rebuild the concept as a whole piece by piece building on that understanding. Therefore ...

Hi! My name is Will, I'm a uni student at Exeter. And hopefully your new Maths tutor. My strengths lie in most areas of Maths (except maybe statistics aha). Before each of our lessons, I would request that you give me all of the issues you have encountered over whatever topics you are studying. I believe the most efficient way to learn a concept is to break it down into the most simple core concept and then rebuild the concept as a whole piece by piece building on that understanding. Therefore in our lessons, I intend to begin by looking at what concepts are the difficult ones, figuring out specifically where each of the issues lie, and then focusing and working on that problem until the base understanding is fully formed. And finally, when we are both happy that the understanding is cemented properly we will move on to practical learning - using what we've worked on to apply to a range of practice problems. Practicing application problems will help you get to grips with the process of using your knowledge and techniques to answer similar questions in mock and final exams. I believe practice is probably the best solution to consolidating both recall and application in education. No question is a silly question, and there will be absolutely zero judgment for any confusion. The root of learning comes from being open and happy to put a spotlight on and learn from your mistakes (I have made a very large number during my time as a student).

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  • Matemáticas
    • Álgebra
    • Matemáticas aplicadas
    • Trigonometría
    • Cálculo
    • LaTeX
    • Geometría
  • Física
    • Relatividad
    • Termodinámica
    • Física Nuclear y de partículas
    • Física de fluidos
    • Mecánica cuántica
    • Física Mecánica

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