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Profesora de Azerbaiyán

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My main program for students who wishes to learn Turkish is TOMER, YEE and etc. so that i choose the program for all level students. I always create more comfortable condition for students, feel them relaxed during learning process and try to be far from the standard teaching stereotypes. Teaching materials for fixing are widely used during the lessons . I speak fluently Turkish and Russian, hold my lessons in both languages. These languages are being daily used. My English level gives ...

My main program for students who wishes to learn Turkish is TOMER, YEE and etc. so that i choose the program for all level students. I always create more comfortable condition for students, feel them relaxed during learning process and try to be far from the standard teaching stereotypes. Teaching materials for fixing are widely used during the lessons . I speak fluently Turkish and Russian, hold my lessons in both languages. These languages are being daily used. My English level gives my opportunity also to hold Turkish lessons.

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  • Turco Básico/A1-2, Intermedio/B1-2, Avanzado/C1, Proficiency/C2

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InglésCompetencia conversacional



Estudios y certificaciones

Grado Diploma
Máster/Postgrado Diploma

Más sobre mí (aficiones, intereses...)

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Sí, siempre puede surgir algún imprevisto, por lo que podrás cambiar la hora o el día de clase. Puedes hacerlo desde tu área personal, dentro de "Clases programadas", en la opción “Cambiar fecha”.

• ¿Dónde se realizan las clases?

Las clases se realizan en el aula virtual de Classgap, desarrollada para el ámbito formativo con muchas funcionalidades específicas para ello, como el vídeo-chat, la pizarra virtual o el editor de textos a tiempo real. En el siguiente enlace puedes ver una demo del aula y conocerla:  Ver aula virtual

Otros profesores de Turco que te recomendamos:

$9 /h
Prueba gratis 20 min.



Profesor Nuevo

Enseña: Turco

Habla: Turkish, English, Arabic, Spanish

hi ı am abdurrahman ı am a turkish teacher ı live in bursa bursa is the city of turkey ı gave more than 3000 lessons to students ı am working online ı lerant english in south africa ı stayed there more than 3 years ı tought as teacher there ı worked in sout africa for 3 years if you want to learn turkish you can book a lesson you can have any reason does'nt matter for me for example you want to visit turkey you want to study university in turkey after geting retired you want to stay in turkey maybe ı got a friend who is from turkey you need to talk with her/him you got maried with turkish you have kids maybe they must learn turkish you can chose me if you want to leran turkish or improve turkish best regards

$10 /h
Prueba gratis 20 min.






Profesor Nuevo

Enseña: Turco

Habla: Turkish, English, Arabic, Spanish

¡Hola! Soy Kubra. Me gradué del departamento de ciencias políticas (100% inglés) recientemente. He estado estudiando lengua y literatura árabe en una ...

$12 /h
Prueba gratis 20 min.



Profesor Nuevo

Enseña: Árabe, Español, Francés, Turco, Ofimática

Habla: Français, Espagnol, Arabe, Turc

- Soy escritor y profesor de francés - lengua y comunicación oral/escrita - desde 2012. A los estudiantes de bachillerato +1/+2/licencia en escuelas s...