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🏆 Más de 10 años de experiencia dando clases online

Ken D.

Profesor de Estados Unidos , actualmente reside en Italia

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I’m a very highly skilled and qualified fully bilingual English-Italian tutor, with vast knowledge and expertise teaching in the academic field up to the university level (Università degli Studi di Padova, Italy), and coaching extensively at the executive corporate level (Eni/Agip-Italy-Nigeria), not to mention living in England, America and Italy as well. Extremely empathic, engaging and dynamic, willing and open to change, believing in and adopting highly innovative ways and skills, drawn larg...

I’m a very highly skilled and qualified fully bilingual English-Italian tutor, with vast knowledge and expertise teaching in the academic field up to the university level (Università degli Studi di Padova, Italy), and coaching extensively at the executive corporate level (Eni/Agip-Italy-Nigeria), not to mention living in England, America and Italy as well. Extremely empathic, engaging and dynamic, willing and open to change, believing in and adopting highly innovative ways and skills, drawn largely from my background as an academic writer and author, and as a very versatile longstanding lecturer, teacher and tutor for over thirty years now. I have a TEFL Postgraduate Diploma as well as a B. Sc Degree in Biology and the equivalent of studies for a B. Sc in Medicine and Surgery, and a Certificate in the Italian language too. I love transforming language learning, especially English, into a highly visual and dynamic experience, for the eyes and senses to witness, see and breathe, consisting of images dotting, lining, moving and crossing, and hovering over ever changing landscapes. Landscapes comprising of images which are easily visualized and spontaneously contextualized by the learner as they are easily relatable to the eye and mind, with practice and knowledge. Images become words through language structures and viceversa words become images and language via structures. One could actually breathe, feel and see language truly at work, almost at leisure in a serious way. I possess awesome communicative skills deeply nurtured, honed and engrained in regarding the act of communicating, especially that of teaching, as an all encompassing experience, involving all the overlapping senses, both physical and abstract, and spatial and non verbal reasoning, which may very well transcend the moment. I can be very direct yet so subtle, very intense and present, hence easily annulling any feeling of distance, detachment and remoteness, which might very well ensue especially regarding online or remote learning. I aspire to activate, captivate and motivate the learner’s mind with a keen sense and approach of balanced urgency and intuition, with the right levels of stress. Organisational / Managerial Skills ▪ I am a very staunch advocate of the implementation of soft skills, because they could signify the very difference between night and day in all human relationships, especially professional ones. ▪ Broad based Teaching Principles : ▪ 1. Understanding students’ and learners’ behavioral patterns and mindsets, even current frames of mind – what drives them, what makes their minds tick, what keeps them going, what drags them down, etc. Got to get into their minds, albeit transiently. See things from their perspective first, before having them so beautifully see things from your own perspective. A common ground must be found for effective communication and exchange of knowledge to take place. A fertile ground where dreams and aspirations are nurtured so they can blossom and bloom. ▪ 2. Implementation of Organizational Knowledge, Fundamentals and Resources : Classroom Management – syllabus, lesson planning, organization and arrangement, i.e. lesson duration, students’ attention span, etc. Along with the solemn and dear advice to be strictly adhered to at all times, which is never to give boring lessons whatsoever, wheresoever, howsoever and to whomsoever. ▪ 3. Understanding, choosing and mastering the different roles played by the teacher, ranging in spectrum from being a mere Instructor or Enforcer to being an inspiring Facilitator. ▪ 4. Motivating students. ▪ 5. Interpersonal Management : Managing, handling, tackling and coping with disruptive behaviours and attitudes in the classroom setting. Building bridges and mending fences. ▪ Out there you are the creator, and it is all about striking and finding the right balance between sense and sensibility. Keeping them happy, cheerful and constantly motivated. Aspire to inspire.

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  • Inglés
    • Gramática
    • Preparación examen Cambridge: C1 Advanced
    • Preparación Examen Cambridge: C2 Proficiency
    • Fonética
    • Conversación
    • Comprensión lectora

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Valoraciones de sus alumnos

Ken Dee is an amazing person first of all! He has a strong passion for teaching which is truly inspiring students. He has an excellent communication skills and his way to teach goes beyond to ensure students understand the material, always taking time to provide very effective examples. I would recommend everyone to get in touch with Ken Dee.
Andrea Campisano
Un insegnante fantastico, ma soprattutto una persona speciale. Lo consiglio a tutti per la sua vasta esperienza e cultura sterminata.
Emilio Ponti
Kenoby has a unique touch of genius, not only has the highest skills but also the rare gift of being able to bring his students into the world of english by using music. literature and also cinema and theatre references to explain. No conversation is ever boring or poor standard.
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EspañolCompetencia conversacional

FrancésCompetencia básica

PortuguésCompetencia conversacional

Estudios y certificaciones

Grado Biology
Grado Medicine And Surgery Cursando
Certificado Italian

Más sobre mí (aficiones, intereses...)

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