About me
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Ciao e benvenuti.
Sono disponibile a supportare:
- chi ha bisogno di imparare l'italiano e/o di approcciarsi a questa lingua.
Preparazioni all'esame CELI (Certificati di Lingua Italiana) e DITALS (Certificazione di competenza in didattica dell'italiano L2) per quelli che vogliono certificarsi nella conoscenza della lingua italiana;
- chi ha bisogno di ripetizioni in discipline teoriche per grado di scuola elementare, media e superiore.
Discipline: italiano (grammatica, antologia, lettere), storia, geografia, scienze, chimica/fisica, diritto, economia politica, economia aziendale, inglese e francese.
Prenota la tua prova gratuita ed esprimi le tue necessità che cercherò di soddisfare al meglio con una formazione che mirerà a non deludere le tue aspettative.
Hello everyone and welcome! I'm Francesco Angotti. I have a Master's Degree in Economics and a Bachelor's Degree in Administration Sciences, with which I have acquired not only a high cultural background, but also skills relating to the organization of the study load and high transversal skills. I obtained a Master's degree in Project Management, thanks to which I acquired skills related to the planning and management of any problems, unforeseen events and/or unscheduled commitme...
Hello everyone and welcome! I'm Francesco Angotti. I have a Master's Degree in Economics and a Bachelor's Degree in Administration Sciences, with which I have acquired not only a high cultural background, but also skills relating to the organization of the study load and high transversal skills. I obtained a Master's degree in Project Management, thanks to which I acquired skills related to the planning and management of any problems, unforeseen events and/or unscheduled commitments. I have certifications in both economics, IT and linguistics (English). I wrote a fantasy novel entitled: "ADAM WOODS: his first trip to a fantastic place!". I have written several articles for a pharmaceutical magazine for the "Psychology of well-being" section in which I have worked and still work to demonstrate and deepen the relationship between Marketing and well-being (Sensory Branding). Thanks to qualities of a personal nature and acquired through the studies conducted, I guarantee impeccable organization and management in the teaching process and also indication and adaptation of personalized methods, so that learning is made as linear and personal as possible in a proactive climate. The results, with the right understanding and participation, will not be long in coming! I have the following skills and knowledge which I draw on in the disciplinary field: - legal-economic (subjects: economics and law); - literature (subjects: Italian, history, geography, art, science and technology); - linguistics (subjects: English and French); - laboratory (subject: computer science). School level: primary, lower secondary and upper secondary. Direct experience in teaching.
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