Je suis actuellement étudiante en troisième année de droit, j'ai passé vingt ans en France.
Je vais vous expliquer mon fonctionnement des classes. Le cours se déroulera exclusivement en
français. Outre vous apprendre toute la partie littérale, et le langage soutenu, il me semble que le plus important pour débuter sur de bonnes bases et de pouvoir tenir une conversation. Etant jeune je pourrais parfaitement vous préparer à par exemple un Erasmus, un voyage en France, car en français, comme dans toutes les langues, il y a une différence entre ce qui se dit à l'écrit et les expressions du quotidien.
Je peux également enseigner les bases du droit français.
Hello, I am currently a third-year law student, I spent twenty years in France. I will explain to you how the classes work. The course will be held exclusively in French. Besides teaching you all the literal part, and the sustained language, it seems to me that the most important thing is to start on a good basis and to be able to hold a conversation. Being young, I could perfectly prepare you for, for example, an Erasmus, a trip to France, because in French, as in all languages, there is a diff...
Hello, I am currently a third-year law student, I spent twenty years in France. I will explain to you how the classes work. The course will be held exclusively in French. Besides teaching you all the literal part, and the sustained language, it seems to me that the most important thing is to start on a good basis and to be able to hold a conversation. Being young, I could perfectly prepare you for, for example, an Erasmus, a trip to France, because in French, as in all languages, there is a difference between what is said in writing and everyday expressions. I can also teach the basics of French law.