Get ready for the music industry, now! It will be a pleasure to guide you. ⏤ Hello! I am Pedro Garzón, music producer, musician and cultural manager with 20 years of experience; co-founder and CEO of Context AV, LLC (MD, USA) a...
"Hello everyone! I'm a producer and DJ with over 10 years of experience in the vibrant music scene of Berlin. My journey includes a diploma in audio e...
Graduated from Uniandes. Guitar, Bass, theory, and music production classes. ⏤ Musician with an emphasis in music production graduated from the University of the Andes. With over 17 years of experience in guitar and bass, and cer...
Music production teacher and professional coach for artists ⏤ My classes are for artists who don't know how to approach their musical, acting or artistic career. I give focus tools and I make a process of accompa...
Effective, resourceful and empathetic Teacher with many didactic options and Methods. Increase your Techniques and Practice, accuracy and creativity, ...
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