Chemical engineeringPhysicochemistryChemistryStoichiometryBasic ChemistryAnalytical chemistry
Hi. My name is Ronald, I'm a Chemical Engineer graduated from University of The Andes, with a Master in Chemical Engineering. I'm 15 years experienced...
Chemical engineeringChemistryOrganic ChemistryBasic ChemistryInorganic Chemistry
Chemistry Marvel: Igniting Minds with 2 Years of Chemical Engineering Expertise! ⏤ Hello! I am Muhammad Zubair, a Chemistry and Chemical Engineering teacher. I have a degree in Chemical Engineering and a Master's degree in Energy Eng...
Chemical engineeringIndustrial chemistryStoichiometryBasic ChemistryInorganic ChemistryApplied chemistry
I emphasize on strengthening the concept understanding and problem solving skills. ⏤ Hello students!
My name is Pulkit Sahu, and I did my Bachelor's degree in Chemical Engineering from Laxminarayan Institute of Technology, Nagpur, Indi...
Chemical engineeringChemistryStoichiometryOrganic ChemistryBasic ChemistryInorganic Chemistry
Hello! I am a chemical engineer passionate about teaching mathematics and chemistry. I have over 3 years of experience helping students understand the...
Chemical engineeringNuclear ChemistryPhysicochemistryIndustrial chemistryChemistryAnalytical chemistry
Hi! I am Sana Munir (PhD chemistry). My work is based on nanomaterials and nanotechnology. My favorite subjects are Physics, Math, English and Chemist...
Chemical engineeringOrganic ChemistryBasic ChemistryInorganic ChemistryApplied chemistryAnalytical chemistry
A gold medalist chemical engineer 5+ years of experience gives a 1st lesson free. ⏤ I'm a Chemical Engineer from NED University, offering online classes in various subjects. I have expertise in Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Aspen, Aspen HY...
Chemical engineeringPure chemistryChemistryBasic ChemistryCarbon chemistryInorganic Chemistry
Espero ayudarte a conseguir los conocimientos necesarios para superar las asignaturas ⏤ I am Miguel Razquin, a Chemical Engineering graduate from UPM in 2016, and I am currently studying for a Master’s in Project Management and Leadership...
Chemical engineeringBiochemistryChemistryOrganic ChemistryBasic ChemistryInorganic Chemistry
I introduce myself, my name is Ana, I am 23 years old and I have a degree in Food Science and Technology from the University of Córdoba. During...
Nere izena Aitor da ta 10 urte baina gehiagoz eman egin ditut zientzietako klase partikularrak, bai ikasleen etxeetan eta baita ere akademietan. Berez ni kimikoa, eta lana bukatu ondoren eman oi ditut klasek. Gustatu egiten zait klaseak ematea eta ikasleei irakasgaiak gainditzen laguntzea, gehiengoetan pixkatekin nahikoa dutelako.
Mi nombre es Aitor y llevo más de 10 años dando clases particulares, tanto a domicilio como en academias. Soy químico, y normalmente suelo dar las clases por las tardes después del trabajo. Me gusta dar clases y ayudar a los alumnos a aprobar las asignaturas, y muchas veces con un poco de ayuda tienen suficiente.
Chemical engineeringPure chemistryOrganic ChemistryBasic ChemistryApplied chemistryAnalytical chemistry
Discover Chemistry with a Decade-Seasoned Expert: Engaging Lessons for Curious Minds! ⏤ Hello everyone! 👋 My name is Alice Abou Chacra, a chemical engineer turned researcher and educator! With more than ten years of experience in this fi...
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