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Online Catia V5 tutors

$15 /lesson

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Verified teacher, moderated by the Classgap team

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UX/UI Design
Catia V5 3d design Autocad

(¯`·._.·(¯`·._.· EXPERT IN MODELING WITH CATIA ·._.·´¯)·._.·´¯) » Do you want to learn how to use a 3D Delineation / Design program to increase your ...

$19 /lesson

Verified teacher, moderated by the Classgap team

New Tutor

UX/UI Design
Catia V5 Solidworks

Simplified course in mechanical design: SolidWorks, Catia V5 ⏤ Hello! I am OUED Ameni, I'm an engineering student in "Innovation robotics and mechanisms" at SIGMA Clermont, France and "mechanical and production en...

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