Classgap launches its new version of the Workspace

One of the most distinctive features of the Classgap online classes platform is its Virtual Classroom, which provides tools for live communication between teachers and students.

The Virtual Classroom also includes its own Workspace, where users can find all the material created during classes, as well as open, edit, create or upload files.

The platform is constantly evolving and this time it has launched a completely new version of the Workspace. In this article we’ll explain all the changes that were implemented within the Classgap Workspace, to offer tutors and students an ever better learning experience.

1. New workspace interface

In order to provide a better navigation, the Workspace now features quick access to functionalities in the Home and a sidebar, through which you will have access to Home, Resources, Lesson Plan, Notes and Glossary at all times.

New Workspace Home

You can easily navigate through the Workspace thanks to its new menu, which you can expand according to your needs. When unfolded, you will have instant access to tool names. If you choose to close it, you'll maximize your work area and concentrate on the task at hand. 

New sidebar

2. My resources

Create and visualize your files easily thanks to the possibility of organizing them in folders. These new features will also be available in the Virtual Classroom.

Access to resource management within the Workspace

Creation of folders

We improved the access to upload documents that can be saved and opened in new browser tabs. Also, you will be able to enter folders and return to the general menu via the breadcrumbs at the top.

Breadcrumbs to navigate within My Resources

3. New access to Notes and Glossary

We added a quick access to Notes and Glossary both from the Home and from the new left side menu. Through the Glossary you will be able to store new concepts learned in class, and review them any time.

Glossary use within the Workspace

You will also be able to create private or shared notes and customize them, attaching documents if necessary.

Notes use within the Workspace

4. Chat 

We have changed the access to the Chat, you will find it in the upper right part of the Workspace. All past class conversations between tutor and student will be saved there (as before).

Access to Chat within the Workspace

5. Access to different workspaces

You will find an area where tutors and students can view the workspaces they have with other users. This functionality is especially useful for teachers with many students, it's a quick way to go from one Workspace to another.

My workspaces (student view)

My workspaces (tutor view)

6. Workspace access from Messaging Area

Now both students and tutors will be able to access the material shared in class not only through the Personal Area ➡ Scheduled Classes, but also from the Messaging Area, to simplify access to both the Workspace and the files created during the classes.

Workspace access from Messaging Area

The new version of the Classgap Workspace, through its renewed interface and simplified management of shared resources during classes, now offers an improved Virtual Classroom that enhances collaborative learning and the educational efficiency of online teaching.

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