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Padre-Pio B.

Profesor de Nigeria

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MY name Padre-Pio Benjamin Akor a highly qualified and experienced mathematics educator with a passion for teaching and a strong background in geology. With a Bachelor's degree in Geology, I possess a unique blend of scientific knowledge and pedagogical expertise that enables me to provide exceptional teaching and coaching services in mathematics. My journey as a mathematics teacher began during my high school days, where I discovered my natural talent for explaining mathematical concepts to my ...

MY name Padre-Pio Benjamin Akor a highly qualified and experienced mathematics educator with a passion for teaching and a strong background in geology. With a Bachelor's degree in Geology, I possess a unique blend of scientific knowledge and pedagogical expertise that enables me to provide exceptional teaching and coaching services in mathematics. My journey as a mathematics teacher began during my high school days, where I discovered my natural talent for explaining mathematical concepts to my peers. Since then, I have honed my teaching skills and specialized in coaching students who struggle to understand mathematics. With my vast experience, I have developed effective strategies to adapt my teaching methods to students' individual needs, ensuring that they grasp mathematical concepts at their own pace. I believe in tailoring my teaching style to match the unique learning abilities and preferences of each student. I have recognized that every student has a different degree of understanding and employs a personalized approach to deliver the most effective lessons. By employing various instructional techniques, such as visual aids, real-life examples, and interactive activities, I have developed an engaging learning environment that encourages students to actively participate and develop a deeper understanding of mathematics. I also maintain a high level of professionalism in my teaching. Prioritized punctuality, effective communication, and a respectful attitude towards students, parents, and colleagues. Recognized the importance of building strong relationships with students and creating a supportive learning atmosphere where they feel comfortable asking questions and seeking assistance. Over the years, I have helped numerous students overcome their challenges. Through my guidance and mentorship, students have achieved significant improvements in their grades, developed a newfound confidence in their mathematical abilities, and discovered a passion for the subject. My ability to connect with students, and simplify complex mathematical concepts sets me apart as an industry-standard mathematics educator. If you are seeking a professional and passionate mathematics teacher who can effectively enhance your understanding and achievement, I am the ideal choice.

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  • Matemáticas
    • Álgebra
    • Estadística
    • Matemáticas básicas
    • Análisis numérico
    • Trigonometría
    • Lógica

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Estudios y certificaciones

Licenciatura Dedgree

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• ¿Dónde se realizan las clases?

Las clases se realizan en el aula virtual de Classgap, desarrollada para el ámbito formativo con muchas funcionalidades específicas para ello, como el vídeo-chat, la pizarra virtual o el editor de textos a tiempo real. En el siguiente enlace puedes ver una demo del aula y conocerla:  Ver aula virtual

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