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Profesor de Estados Unidos , actualmente reside en Grecia

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Hello! My name is Matthew, I am an American music teacher currently living in Greece. I teach beginner up to upper intermediate musicians. My method focuses on teaching how to play music by ear. Players of all instruments are welcome to study with me, though I only teach technique for piano and guitar. Under this approach, learning to read music is not required, though a basic understanding of notation can greatly aid building musical comprehension and repertoire. After getting familiar with...

Hello! My name is Matthew, I am an American music teacher currently living in Greece. I teach beginner up to upper intermediate musicians. My method focuses on teaching how to play music by ear. Players of all instruments are welcome to study with me, though I only teach technique for piano and guitar. Under this approach, learning to read music is not required, though a basic understanding of notation can greatly aid building musical comprehension and repertoire. After getting familiar with your instrument, as well as some basics of how music works, we will jump right in by finding some songs to learn in rhythm style. That means chords and rhythm are given top priority, and other details are added later. These may be favorite songs of your choice or of my recommendation, depending on the needs of the student. Along the way, I will introduce proper technique, exercises, listening skills, and musical vocabulary in a natural progression, grounded in your favorite music. Using this method, interested students will also have the opportunity to explore their creativity and learn to compose their own music and recreate the music of others, entirely by ear. For homework I provide a weekly practice routine consisting of exercises, song repertoire, listening and composition challenges. Other topics I cover include how to efficiently read sheet music, harmony and song structure analysis, reharmonization, composing and arranging for multiple instruments, computer-based music production, ABRSM (or other) exam tutoring, and much more. Feel free to send me a message with any questions or booking requests, as my calendar is not always accurate due to technological restrictions. I look forward to hearing from you!

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  • Piano Iniciación, Intermedio
  • Música Iniciación, Intermedio

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Valoraciones de sus alumnos


Basado en 56 valoraciones
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Jonathan Levi
A great teacher, great energy, a lot of fun to learn with. I look forward to the lessons quite a bit.
Amazing and so much fun!
james minzly
Matthew is such a great teacher! Makes it fun while covering the all important basics at the same time.
Ovidiu Pistol
Just had one demo lesson and I can already tell he's a great teacher that aligns with my personal goals.
Hanif Saifurrahman
A really insightful teacher. He taught everything from the basics, matching his teaching pace with our learning pace. I learned a lot from him from only one session.
shaista farooq
I am so happy to have such an amazing and professional piano teacher.He is very polite and helpful .I have learnt alot from him in just two lessons which is not even tiny bit close to the things which I understood from other resources over a year about piano. I feel myself lucky to have lessons from him. Thank you so much Metthew.
Jesse Mensah
Matthew excellently manages to fill in and maneuver around my interests and prior knowledge of music. Very talented and patient!
Michele Wolaver
My 10 year old son immediately felt comfortable and connected with Matthew, as his manner is easy going, friendly and confident. Matthew's instructional style seems to easily adapt to where the student is at as well as be flexible to take them where they aspire to be. This instructor also is quick to reply to messages and shares valuable suggestions!
Cameron Cecil
Raveka pingolia
Samad Aftab
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Estudios y certificaciones

Certificado Music Theory, Giannis Anagnastopoulos, Athens, Greece
Certificado Piano Proficiency, Giannis Anagnastopoulos, Athens, Greece
Certificado Guitar Proficiency, George Petrakis, Athens, Greece Cursando

Más sobre mí (aficiones, intereses...)

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Sí, puedes cancelar una reserva hasta un máximo de 8 horas antes de la clase, indicando el motivo de cancelación. Estudiaremos cada caso de forma personal para proceder a la devolución del importe.

• ¿Cómo realizo el pago de la clase?

En el momento en que selecciones una clase o un pack de horas, podrás realizar el pago mediante tarjeta de débito o crédito.
Una vez realices el pago de la clase, recibirás un e-mail de confirmación de la reserva.

• ¿Puedo modificar una reserva?

Sí, siempre puede surgir algún imprevisto, por lo que podrás cambiar la hora o el día de clase. Puedes hacerlo desde tu área personal, dentro de "Clases programadas", en la opción “Cambiar fecha”.

• ¿Dónde se realizan las clases?

Las clases se realizan en el aula virtual de Classgap, desarrollada para el ámbito formativo con muchas funcionalidades específicas para ello, como el vídeo-chat, la pizarra virtual o el editor de textos a tiempo real. En el siguiente enlace puedes ver una demo del aula y conocerla:  Ver aula virtual

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