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Marco W.

Profesor de Reino Unido

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I have been happily teaching the guitar for over 35 years in different countries with different mentalities, customs, cultures and approach to things, but nevertheless one thing links them all: the love for music in all its aspects. As a musician I find that this beautifully represents the real international language that is able to bring together all souls and brings them to the higher level of conscience in the most natural and delightful way. I am a great teacher when I have a great student...

I have been happily teaching the guitar for over 35 years in different countries with different mentalities, customs, cultures and approach to things, but nevertheless one thing links them all: the love for music in all its aspects. As a musician I find that this beautifully represents the real international language that is able to bring together all souls and brings them to the higher level of conscience in the most natural and delightful way. I am a great teacher when I have a great student! In other words the more a student wants to learn, the more I give. Please remember that the student sets the pace and is the real teacher, while the teacher is a manager, an advisor and coach. When this formula works well incredible results can be achieved. I am very easy going and patient, I have lots and lots of teaching experience and a well set method that is aimed at giving maximum results in the shortest time possible. I usually accept students that want to learn acoustic, electric and classical guitar. A large range from blues and rock to the most sophisticated classical music that tops it all! Often many of my students do both, as much more than meets the eye can be learned and used in whatever future project an ambitious student may have or just for fun. You can contact me for further details, I usually offer a free consultation where a proper teaching program assessment can be made as well.

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  • Guitarra Iniciación, Intermedio, Avanzado

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Estudios y certificaciones

Diplomatura Royal Conservatory Of Music Torono (Canada) Cursando

Más sobre mí (aficiones, intereses...)

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• ¿Dónde se realizan las clases?

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