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Profesor de China

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😉 Mandarin Level: Level 1 B 😊Hi, hello, I’m Ran. I am from Zhengzhou City, Henan Province, China, where the Shaolin Temple and Longmen Grottoes are located. For those who want to learn Chinese, the most basic thing is to learn pinyin. It is very important whether it is for beginners to accumulate vocabulary in the early stage or for intermediate and advanced friends to practice conversation! I have over a year of language teaching experience, and with my ever-improving and flexible teaching sk...

😉 Mandarin Level: Level 1 B 😊Hi, hello, I’m Ran. I am from Zhengzhou City, Henan Province, China, where the Shaolin Temple and Longmen Grottoes are located. For those who want to learn Chinese, the most basic thing is to learn pinyin. It is very important whether it is for beginners to accumulate vocabulary in the early stage or for intermediate and advanced friends to practice conversation! I have over a year of language teaching experience, and with my ever-improving and flexible teaching skills, I am sure to make you confident in Chinese. Come and subscribe to my trial class, I'm looking forward to our first class! 🥰 *Experience and Hobbies I have studied finance in Canada for three years. After graduation, I returned to China and now work as a language worker.I like foreign cultures very much and look forward to sharing the traditional Eastern culture. I usually like to sing, often exercise in the morning, and cook delicious food for myself occasionally. Recently, I have liked tea and coffee culture very much. *If you‘re my student, I promise you can speak standard Mandarin and understand pronunciation and spelling through my one-on-one tutoring. In the process of students learning pronunciation, I will quickly find the key problems of the other party, even if it is learning English. Chinese and English are similar in terms of spelling. Laying a good foundation in pronunciation is of great long-term help to every Chinese learner. *Are you curious about a romantic legend about why an ancient famous Chinese poet jumped into a lake to touch the moon before dying? This poet has written so many Chinese Romanticism poems that you should know him, Libai. His popular poetry is Jingyesi which describes the homesickness of watching the full moon. I will show more interesting stuff by learning Mandarin and Chinese culture. Also, I'm super excited we can make friends and share our culture!

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  • Chino Elemental/A1-2, Intermedio/B1-2, Avanzado/C1, Proficiency/C2

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InglésCompetencia conversacional

JaponésCompetencia básica

Estudios y certificaciones

Diplomatura Construction Engineering Degree In Hanyang Normal University,China
Diplomatura Finance Diploma In Sheridan College,Canada

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