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Dr V.

Profesor de Reino Unido

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I am a 65 year old tutor of predominantly History and Politics, with English and Religious Studies as my supplementary subjects. I have taught all four subjects for some 35 years at College, University, Sixth Form College and High School. My teaching style is very much subject and communication based, with the emphasis applying knowledge and essay skills towards achieving the best exam results. There is also a priority attached to reading and grammar skills, both of which appear to be neglected...

I am a 65 year old tutor of predominantly History and Politics, with English and Religious Studies as my supplementary subjects. I have taught all four subjects for some 35 years at College, University, Sixth Form College and High School. My teaching style is very much subject and communication based, with the emphasis applying knowledge and essay skills towards achieving the best exam results. There is also a priority attached to reading and grammar skills, both of which appear to be neglected by the contemporary British educational establishment. Hopefully I can use my experience and robust teaching methods towards enabling students to gain their best performance in exams and careers. As it happens, because of my advanced studies and teaching experience, I would feel able to cover most modern history curricula in the fields of British, Irish, French, German, Italian, Russian and American History. It would be important to identify the specific aims of the subject curricula and apply them towards teaching the student (s) both for the purposes of meeting any course dissertations and also preparing for examinations. My priorities would embrace three areas. 1. Subject reading of textbooks, journals, TV/radio programmes and other leading sources. 2.Intensive essay and document writing, with close scrutiny of each assignment. 3. Constant attention to past exam papers and regular mock testing/monitoring under exam conditions.

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  • Historia Iniciación, Intermedio, Avanzado

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Estudios y certificaciones

Doctorado Contemporary Political History
Máster/Postgrado Contemporary Political History
Grado History & Politics

Más sobre mí (aficiones, intereses...)

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