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Ateendra P.

Profesor de Reino Unido

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Hello there! I'm Ateendra Pratap Sharma, and I'm excited to share a bit about myself and what you can expect from my physics classes. I hold a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering and a master’s in renewable energy engineering, which means I've spent a lot of time figuring out how things work—both in theory and in practice. Over the years, I've worked on some pretty cool projects in the energy sector, but what I love most is teaching. There's nothing quite like the moment when a tricky c...

Hello there! I'm Ateendra Pratap Sharma, and I'm excited to share a bit about myself and what you can expect from my physics classes. I hold a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering and a master’s in renewable energy engineering, which means I've spent a lot of time figuring out how things work—both in theory and in practice. Over the years, I've worked on some pretty cool projects in the energy sector, but what I love most is teaching. There's nothing quite like the moment when a tricky concept finally clicks for a student. My approach to teaching is all about making physics relatable and understandable. I believe that learning should be a two-way street, so I’m always open to questions and love when my students are curious. I like to use real-world examples (often from my own work experience) to make abstract ideas more concrete. Whether it's discussing the forces at play in a rollercoaster ride or the principles behind renewable energy, I aim to make physics not just a subject but an exciting journey of discovery. I organize my classes around your needs. If you're preparing for exams, we’ll focus on what you need to know to ace them. If you're struggling with specific topics, we’ll dive deep into those areas until you're confident. And if you’re simply fascinated by physics and want to learn more, I’m here to feed that curiosity and help you explore. I teach all levels—from GCSE and A-level students to those just getting started in physics. My goal is to make you feel confident in your abilities and to show you that physics isn't just about memorizing formulas—it's about understanding the world around you. If you’re looking for a friendly, patient, and enthusiastic guide to help you navigate the world of physics, I’d love to be that person for you. Let’s make learning physics an enjoyable and rewarding experience! I look forward to meeting you and helping you achieve your goals. Best, Ateendra Pratap Sharma

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  • Matemáticas
    • Álgebra
    • Estadística
    • Matemáticas básicas
    • Álgebra lineal
    • Trigonometría
    • Cálculo
  • Física
    • Teoría de circuitos y electrónica
    • Termodinámica
    • Física Nuclear y de partículas
    • Física de fluidos
    • Física de Altas Energías
    • Física básica

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InglésCompetencias completas

Estudios y certificaciones

Máster/Postgrado Masters In Renewable Energy
Licenciatura Bacholer In Mechancial Engineering
Certificado Post Graduate Diploma In Thermal Power Plant

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