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Profesores de competencias empresariales online

40 €/clase

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Estados Unidos

Profesor Nuevo

Coaching, Marketing

My Name is Coach Mary and l am a Marketing professional and certified Coach an entrepreneur who believes in “Elevating Excellence through Kaizen and continuous improvement. In every chapter of my story, l embody the essence of resilience, authenticity, and boundless determination. With unwavering grace, l navigate life's twists and turns, inspiring others to embrace their own journey with courage and purpose. VISION STRATEGY & GOAL PLANNING Here’s what you’ll walk away with from your Vision planning meeting : map out your personal and professional goals and create a business strategy for the upcoming year that feels easy, achievable and exciting!  * Clarity on your next steps as you enter the new year * Tested and Proven strategies that you can apply right away * Your personalized 2025 strategy to take your business to consistent growth Thrive * * Take away clear goals and actionable strategies Coach Mary is a certified professional Trainer and Coach credentialed Professional Coach with ICF trained and certified Erickson International:- the 2024 ICF Impact Award Winner for Distinguished Coach Education Provider by the International Coaching Federation. Rooted in love, fueled by passion, and guided by unwavering values, experience and commitment a testament to the transformative power of embracing one's true self and daring to pursue dreams beyond imagination

50 €/clase

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Profesor verificado, moderado por el equipo de Classgap

Profesor Nuevo


My professional experience as a comedian, stage director, actors’ director, film maker and trainer has enabled me to use my various skills for the benefit of others, so that they may reveal themselves and give the best of themselves. My aim is to help others grow, find self-confidence, assert themselves with dignity and serenity, and also acquire a feeling of well-being. What I want to provide is personalized, constructive and responsible professional coaching for people who need to concretize a personal or collective objective. My artistic skills enable me, as a coach, to intervene through art therapy in behavioral problems concerning self-confidence, communication and interpersonal relationships, management of transitions, stress, emotions, conflict and assertiveness. My motto Observe, Optimize, Visualize, Communicate / Knowledge, Creativity, Harmony. “Evolution goes through three stages: self-knowledge, self- acceptance, change.” Pascal Ide My objective To meet the specific needs of people acting in humanitarian fields by creating workshops especially adapted to that sector. To meet local people’s needs in training, through special workshops designed for them, after analyzing their demands and determining their objectives to be reached. This coaching is based on the dramatic arts, as well as on sensorial, visual and personally-aimed techniques. Art therapy through interactive drama, stage-happenings and image are tools to help the individual become aware and responsible. It facilitates behavioral, emotional and personal change. “Provided they are asked the right questions, people can find the right answers themselves.” Socrates

19 €/clase

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Profesor verificado, moderado por el equipo de Classgap

Profesor Nuevo


¿Quieres salir del estancamiento y lograr un crecimiento económico sostenido? ⏤ Hola, Soy Alberto Gómez, Administrador de Empresas, Especialista en Gerencia Empresarial y Máster en Negocios, con formación complementaria avanzada e...



15 €/clase

Profesor verificado, moderado por el equipo de Classgap

Profesor Nuevo

Contabilidad, Finanzas

Más de 20 años de experiencia en formación. Te ayudo a superar las asignaturas con altas calificaciones, sin necesidad de conocimientos previos. Alto ...



15 €/clase

Profesor verificado, moderado por el equipo de Classgap

Profesor Nuevo

Economía, Contabilidad

Dott. Commercialista, laureato in Economia e Commercio da un bel pò, ho accumulato un' esperienza più che decennale nel campo delle ripetizioni, così da poter impartire, accurate lezioni agli universitari ed agli studenti delle medie e delle superiori sia di Economia Aziendale che di Matematica. Il riscontro positivo che ottengo dagli studenti che seguo è una garanzia per chi decide di rivolgersi a me. Il metodo che utilizzo da la giusta importanza alla parte teorica ma anche un riscontro fondamentale alla parte pratica. E' proprio l'applicazione e la risoluzione degli esercizi che consentono agli studenti di comprendere a pieno i concetti. Riesco inoltre ad instaurare sempre un ottimo rapporto con gli studenti, mi aiuta il fatto che capisco il loro linguaggio ed i loro bisogni, tuttavia per colmare le lacune l'impegno costante deve essere reciproco. Concludo questa veloce presentazione consigliando ai ragazzi di non ridursi sempre all’ultimo momento per prenotare una lezione, per ottenere miglioramenti a scuola e nello studio occorre un lavoro costante che deve partire fin dal momento in cui ci si rende conto di aver accumulato delle lacune.

10 €/clase

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Rubén D.

Rubén D.
Profesor verificado, moderado por el equipo de Classgap

Profesor Nuevo

Economía, Finanzas

Profesor con 20 años de experiencia dictando clases de economía y finanzas ⏤ !Hola!, Soy economista con especialización en finanzas y tengo 20 años trabajando como profesor universitario en la Universidad Experimental de la Gr...


Profesor verificado, moderado por el equipo de Classgap

Profesor Nuevo

Economía, Contabilidad

Greetings! I'm Chris Harry, your guide through the fascinating worlds of Economics and Accounting. With 7 years of experience in the field, I bring a wealth of practical knowledge and academic insights to our virtual classroom. As a passionate educator, I believe that learning should be an exciting adventure, and my mission is to make complex concepts accessible to learners of all backgrounds. 🎓 What to Expect 🎓 Whether you're a student looking to excel in your coursework, a professional aiming to expand your skill set, or simply someone who loves learning about how money moves, my courses cater to a wide range of interests and goals. From beginner-friendly introductions to advanced topics, you'll find meticulously crafted lessons that foster a deep understanding of economics and accounting principles. 📊 Economics Unveiled 📊 Delve into the fascinating world of economics, where we'll explore microeconomics and macroeconomics, dissecting supply and demand curves, understanding market structures, and unraveling the intricacies of economic policy. Through real-world examples and interactive activities, you'll develop the ability to analyze economic phenomena and make informed decisions. 💰 Mastering Accounting 💰 Accounting might seem daunting, but fear not! With my guidance, you'll unlock the secrets of balance sheets, income statements, and cash flow statements. From basic bookkeeping to advanced financial analysis, my courses will empower you to navigate the financial landscape with confidence. Whether you're a future accountant, entrepreneur, or curious learner, accounting will no longer hold any secrets. 📈 Your Path to Success 📈 Embark on a transformative learning journey that equips you with valuable skills applicable in academia, business, and everyday life. Whether you're striving to excel in exams, enhance your career prospects, or simply satiate your curiosity, my courses provide the tools you need to succeed. Ready to embark on an intellectual adventure? Enroll now and let's get started on this exciting educational journey!

20 €/clase

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Profesor verificado, moderado por el equipo de Classgap

Profesor Nuevo


CLASES DE ASTROLOGÍA todos los niveles ⏤ Mi nombre es Ruth Pallejà, Astróloga, Coach con PNL y Terapeuta Floral. Apasionada de la astrología y la docencia. Doy clases de astrología personal...

45 €/clase

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Profesor verificado, moderado por el equipo de Classgap

Profesor Nuevo


Bonjour, je m'appelle Caroline. Après des études de comptabilité, je me suis lancée dans la vie active. Mes principales activités durant 13 ans ont été : - la comptabilité analytique / le contrôle de gestion, - agent immobilier, - les ressources humaines. Puis j'ai décidé de reprendre 3 années d'études : - licence banque assurance, - M1 + M2 gestion de patrimoine (major de ma promotion). Suite à l'obtention de mon M2 en 2017, j'ai créé mon cabinet de gestion de patrimoine. J'apprécie surtout d'apporter du conseil à mes clients. Depuis 2 ans, je forme également une gestionnaire de patrimoine qui me dit souvent que j'ai deux grandes qualités : la patience et la pédagogie. J'ai réalisé également des e-learning en droit de la famille et déficit foncier (d'autres sont en préparation). Je n'ai pas de cours tout fait à vous proposer. Qui dit cours particulier dit cours sur-mesure. Je m'adapte à vos besoins et attentes en lien avec la gestion de patrimoine.


Profesor verificado, moderado por el equipo de Classgap

Profesor Nuevo

Economía, Marketing

Economía: Mi enfoque pedagógico utiliza métodos interactivos como Seriousplay ⏤ Hola. ¿Qué tal? Soy Laura Xenobia, profesional en Mercadeo y Publicidad, trabajo como investigadora en la Universidad de Santander como estratega met...

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