It is with great excitement and pleasure that I introduce myself as your math tutor. With over 21 years of math tutoring experience, I have honed my skills in helping students improve their math literacy and gain confidence in their abilities.
Throughout my career, I have worked with students of all ages and levels, from elementary school to college. I have a passion for teaching and helping students overcome their fears and misconceptions about math. I believe that everyone can be successful in...
It is with great excitement and pleasure that I introduce myself as your math tutor. With over 21 years of math tutoring experience, I have honed my skills in helping students improve their math literacy and gain confidence in their abilities.
Throughout my career, I have worked with students of all ages and levels, from elementary school to college. I have a passion for teaching and helping students overcome their fears and misconceptions about math. I believe that everyone can be successful in math, and it's just a matter of finding the right approach.
My extensive math literacy has allowed me to develop unique strategies and techniques that cater to individual student's learning styles. I am skilled in breaking down complex concepts into easy-to-understand, step-by-step methods. This has helped me to create a conducive learning environment where my students feel comfortable to ask questions and learn at their own pace.
Moreover, my 21 years of experience have enabled me to develop strong communication skills, which allow me to explain mathematical concepts in a clear and concise manner. I understand the value of patience and persistence, and I work with my students until they fully comprehend the material.
I am excited to share my knowledge and expertise with you and help you achieve your math goals.
I look forward to getting to know you and assisting you in your journey to math literacy.
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Álgebra lineal
Matemáticas discretas
Teoría de números
Disponibilidad (El calendario se muestra en tu hora local)
Professeur avec un réel dévouement pour ses élèves. Accompagnement hors-pair. Caractère jovial, doux et accommodant. On sent sa maîtrise de la matière et des mathématiques. Je recommande !
Faten Alhalabi
Il est vraiment un des meilleurs professeurs que j’ai eu, il m’a énormément aidé et a toujours pu répondre à mes questions de manières concrètes. Il s’y connaît énormément dans toutes les sphères des mathématiques. Il est patient et vraiment dynamique.
Mana Kiani
A very patient and understanding tutor- Mohamed is very knowledgable at good at visualizing different concepts.
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Estudios y certificaciones
Máster/PostgradoD.E.S.S. In Engineering Mathematics ( Polytechnic School Of Montreal).
DiplomaturaClasses De Mathématiques Supérieures Et Mathématiques Spéciales.
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Más sobre mí (aficiones, intereses...)
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