I am grateful for checking out my profile. Mathematics is one of the subjects I enjoy tutoring. I am committed to helping students whichever way I can. At high school, I was very good in Mathematics namely A-level, further Maths etc. I studied Actuarial Science in my first degree which entails Maths, finance, statistics, insurance and some computer modules. I have experience in formal tutoring for many years years. I tutored some of my classmates and other students. Currently, I am studying a Ma...
I am grateful for checking out my profile. Mathematics is one of the subjects I enjoy tutoring. I am committed to helping students whichever way I can. At high school, I was very good in Mathematics namely A-level, further Maths etc. I studied Actuarial Science in my first degree which entails Maths, finance, statistics, insurance and some computer modules. I have experience in formal tutoring for many years years. I tutored some of my classmates and other students. Currently, I am studying a Masters’ degree in Actuarial Science at Heriot-Watt University. Topics such statistics, probability, calculus, algebra etc. are all quite easier for me to teach. I enjoyed from my previous tutoring experience since it helped students achieve their goals. Maths seems difficult since it takes a lot of time and energy. Many people are not able to keep up the pace with Maths lesson and thereby fall behind. Foundation is the key, without the right one students pursuing more complex concepts are doomed to face difficulties at some point. I encourage my students and assure them that there is still a chance. I take my time to discuss issues with my students concerning subject areas. It will enable me to know the appropriate learning style to use. It will also help me know the way they think and learn.
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