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🏆 Más de 5 años de experiencia dando clases online


Profesora de China , actualmente reside en Tailandia

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Hello, this is Lynn! I am a holder of the Teacher Qualification Certificate issued by the Ministry of Education of China and have more than 6 years of educational experience. I like to role-play with students in class and use drama to practice conversation. I will also design many classroom games to stimulate students' enthusiasm for learning. Even for characters that are difficult for students, I can use pictures to tell the evolution of Chinese characters. I really enjoy exploring fun things ...

Hello, this is Lynn! I am a holder of the Teacher Qualification Certificate issued by the Ministry of Education of China and have more than 6 years of educational experience. I like to role-play with students in class and use drama to practice conversation. I will also design many classroom games to stimulate students' enthusiasm for learning. Even for characters that are difficult for students, I can use pictures to tell the evolution of Chinese characters. I really enjoy exploring fun things with kids and listening to their confident faces. Six years ago, I started my work as a Chinese teacher. My students come from more than 20 countries and regions in the world. Now, I look forward to sharing more Chinese knowledge with the lovely students here. I may not be the prettiest, but I must be interesting. I like to share it with the children and I hope the children will fall in love with Chinese. Learn from me and you can get: 1. Practice standard spoken Chinese without worrying about dialects and accents. 2. By passing HSK/YCT/IB Chinese A/B test, you can learn the basic knowledge of Chinese and practice your listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. The most important thing is that you learn how to take tests, know the types of questions and how to solve them. 3. Learn Chinese synchronous language courses to understand what Chinese students are learning and keep up with their learning. 4. Ancient Chinese literature and historical stories

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  • Chino Elemental/A1-2, Intermedio/B1-2, Avanzado/C1, Proficiency/C2

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InglésCompetencia conversacional

Estudios y certificaciones

Grado 学士学位

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65 clases

Enseña: Chino

Habla: Chinese, English, Spanish

🏅Tutor certificado con 3 años de experiencia/ ✅HSK 1-6/ ✅Expresión oral/ ✅Chino de negocios 🤗Fácil y divertido~ 😄Hola soy Wan.Tengo 3 años de expe...