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102 clases
Finanzas, Contabilidad
Hey! My name is Valeriya. I have a degree in Finance from the University of Texas at Austin. I have 2 years of experience tutoring middle school, high school, and university students online. I mostly helped my students with math, business, economics, accounting, and finance. My goal is to help each student achieve his or her academic dreams and understand the material. I always seek to understand the needs of every individual student and structure my lessons accordingly. I will be happy to help you achieve whatever academic goals you set out for yourself 😌
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Contabilidad, Matemáticas
hola soy contador publico, egresado de la Universidad Antonio Nariño, las clases de contabilidad y matemáticas tienen como objetivo no solo educar y e...
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Soy Laura soy una orientadora de psicopedagogía que es un profesional que se dedica a apoyar el proceso educativo de los estudiantes, tanto en el ám...
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Master en administración de empresas (MBA) e Ingeniero Civil Industrial de la UdeC, titulado con distinción máxima, distinguido por rendimiento académ...
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Ciao! Sono Riccardo Lombardi, sono laureato in Scienze e Tecniche del Coaching con indirizzo "Mental Coaching" oltre ad altre certificazioni. Sono Socio AICP.
-Il mio approccio alle lezioni
Ogni lezione è un'esperienza trasformativa, progettata per aiutarti ad esplorare il tuo potenziale e a sviluppare nuove prospettive. Non è solo un momento di apprendimento, ma un viaggio verso la consapevolezza personale.
-Come si svolgono le lezioni
Esplorazione e Consapevolezza : Iniziamo con una riflessione sulle tue esperienze e su ciò che vuoi migliorare. Attraverso domande mirate, ti guiderò a identificare i tuoi obiettivi e le sfide da superare.
-Tecniche Pratiche e Creative : Ogni lezione include esercizi innovativi, come visualizzazioni guidate, giochi di ruolo e attività interattive. Credo nel potere di imparare facendo, non solo ascoltando.
-Feedback Continuo : Ti aiuterò a monitorare i tuoi progressi attraverso feedback mirati e strumenti di autovalutazione.
-I Valori delle Lezioni
Personalizzazione : Ogni sessione è progettata esclusivamente per te.
Innovazione : Uso strumenti tecnologici, come app di coaching, per supportarti anche fuori dalle lezioni.
Empatia : Creo uno spazio sicuro, dove puoi esprimerti liberamente senza timore di giudizio.
Esperienza Tipica
Durante la prima lezione, definiamo insieme il tuo percorso e creiamo una roadmap chiara.
Le sessioni successive combinano esercizi pratici, tecniche di rilassamento e momenti di confronto per aiutarti a raggiungere i tuoi traguardi con determinazione.
Profesor verificado, moderado por el equipo de Classgap
Profesor Nuevo
Professeur d'économie-gestion depuis 4 ans, j'ai eu l'opportunité d'enseigner à des filières générales (SES), STMG ( économie, droit, management, sciences de gestion, mercatique + Le dossier de première et le projet de terminale) ainsi qu'en bac pro (série tertiaire et production).
Ci-dessous mon parcours académique et professionnel:
-Major de promotion de la Licence d'économie-gestion au sein de l'Université de Rouen Normandie;
-Master 1 en Analyse et Politiques Économiques;
-Master 2 en Economics & Finance (Université Lumière Lyon 2, ENS, EM Lyon)
-Master 2 en Management et Administration des Entreprises (IAE Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne);
-Chef de Projet Organisation et Transformation Digitale (Groupe BPCE)
Je dispense des cours particuliers depuis le début de mes études supérieures et je suis très heureux de voir les trajectoires que mes anciens élèves ont emprunté dans la construction de leur avenir professionnel.
Mon objectif est d'améliorer votre niveau dans les disciplines concernées et de vous préparer au mieux pour obtenir votre diplôme.
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Hi there!
I am Charlotte and I am a coach and mentor with a passion for education and promoting mental wellbeing.
I work with students using coaching to help them excel in their studies, shine a light on their talents and continue their education whilst ensuring they enjoy the best wellbeing possible.
I am a mum of two and a life-long learner, currently studying BSc Psychology, so I know how challenging it can be sometimes when trying to learn something new, both as a child and an adult. Education should be exciting and I want to work with you to help make your learning journey ad enjoyable and rewarding as it can be.
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Profesor Nuevo
🚀 Gursharan Singh | Performance Marketer | Age: 27
Hey there! I'm Gursharan Singh, a 27-year-old performance marketer passionate about making waves in the digital world.
🌟 My Journey So Far:
I kicked off my marketing adventure at 21, working with big names like Jabra Connect. I learned the ropes of performance marketing, where strategies not only look good on paper but bring in real results.
🌐 Teaching and Sharing:
I love spreading the knowledge bug! I've taught over 50 students globally the ins and outs of performance marketing. Because in my book, shared knowledge is powerful.
🚀 Founder of edmfeed:
Right now, I'm steering the ship at edmfeed, my very own marketing agency. We're all about tailor-made strategies that work. From social media ads to Google Ads (PPC), emails that hit the mark, and strategies to boost sales, we're redefining digital success.
🔑 What I'm Good At:
My toolkit is versatile. I specialize in building brands, acing social media ads, rocking Google Ads (PPC), creating killer email campaigns, and optimizing for more sales.
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Profesor Nuevo
I believe teahcing is successful only if the student is able to apply the concepts on his own in real life. I believe its important to relate the theories to practical aspects through case studies, relevant examples and scenarios. I am an expert in areas of Human Resource Management, Organization Behaviour, Training and Development, Performance Management system, Marketing Management, Basic IT skills and Business Environment.
Profesor verificado, moderado por el equipo de Classgap
14 clases
Finanzas, Contabilidad
¡Hola! Mi nombre es Cristina, licenciada en Administración y Dirección de Empresas y con un Master en Dirección Económico-Financiera. Cuento con más d...
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