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Profesores de Árabe online

$14 /h
Prueba gratis 20 min.






Profesor Nuevo

Enseña: Árabe

Habla: Arabe, Français

salut c'est Dalia titulaire d'un Master 2 en sciences commerciales auprès d'une grande école de commerce en Algérie. j'ai étudié la langue Arabe et le Français depuis que j'étais toute petite , pour l'Arabe c'est ma langue Maternelle et le Français c'est ma deuxième langue. je suis sur la plateforme Class gap pour vous fournir des cours en ligne dans la langue Arabe et Français en Général avec des petits prix. ma structure d'étude sera basée en trois principaux action: le premier c'est la prononciation , le deuxième c'est la rédaction et le troisième c'est la communication qui est la plus importante. avec moi vous assurez la bonne communication d'une façon facile et simple. n'hésitez pas à me contacter. cordialement.

$7 /h
Prueba gratis 20 min.
Amel N.

Amel N.


Profesor Nuevo

Enseña: Árabe

Habla: Arabic, English

i am enthusiastic, extremely patient, and fun with my students ❤️ i love making students feel comfortable and be themselves in the classroom 🎤 i enjoy making coversations and communiacating with people from all around the world from different cultures. i teach not only educational content, but also cultural content . i focus on the learner's wants, needs, and objectives. i work on achieving their learning goals, whether on grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, communication, etc. my lessons are learner-centered and are designed according to them.

$7 /h
Prueba gratis 20 min.
Mahmoud A.

Mahmoud A.


Profesor Nuevo

Enseña: Árabe

Habla: Arabic, English

Hello, my name is Mahmoud, and I'm from Egypt. I've been teaching the Arabic language online since December 2020. I graduated in accounting and administration from Kafr El-Sheikh University. I've also made my self-studies to be an Arabic tutor, referring to the most important references. I like playing football with friends as a hobby, and I was a soccer player when I was a kid. I love chess and how the mind gets blown up by thinking. As to spending spare time, watching documentary movies comes first; history, nature, and civilization stories are the most that I care about most. I start with pure reading lessons, which focus on the Alphabet, short and long vowels, and get many exercises for practicing. I do general Arabic lessons that contain vocabulary, expressions, dialogues, and exercises. Those lessons include working on language skills (reading, writing, listening, and speaking) I love to do many exercises during the class to cover all essential parts that serve the educational process. A PDF file of the lesson taught during the class and a simple video of 3-5 minutes showing the correct pronunciation of each word mentioned throughout the session are provided to help better study and revise. The appointments are to be flexibly scheduled, and then we can get satisfying timing for each.

$8 /h
Prueba gratis 20 min.



Profesor Nuevo

Enseña: Árabe

Habla: Arabic, English

La paz, la misericordia y las bendiciones de Dios sean con vosotros. Soy Ehab Al-Ghannam. Hablante nativo de la lengua árabe. Soy de Egipto y vivo all...

$35 /h
Prueba gratis 20 min.





Arabia Saudí

55 clases

Enseña: Árabe

Habla: Arabe, Anglais

Hola, mi nombre es Abdullah de Arabia Saudita. Soy profesora de lengua árabe. He estado enseñando ahora casi 10 años. Enseño a niños de 10 a 18 años. ...

$7 /h
Prueba gratis 20 min.



Profesor Nuevo

Enseña: Árabe

Habla: Arabic, English, French,

Hi everyone .Iam shrouk Iam 28 years old Iam a certified tutor with 1 year experience . Itook alot of courses Iam Egyption girl who love teaching and helping others I found my passion in teaching and Thank God, I succeeded in teaching the Arabic language in an easy and fun way -I have little experience teaching children -I will create more than 1   lesson plan   , if you want   Arabic Basics ,conversation or grammer , I 'll arrange that for you -l 'll make sure that my classes are really interesting for you 😊 -I have the ability to convey Arabic  in a good  and easy way to the student -we 'll have an interesting conversation My teaching material : -presentation slides -Audio files -image files -Quizzes -examples -homework assignments -graphes & charts

$58 /h
Prueba gratis 20 min.
Hafiza A.

Hafiza A.


Profesor Nuevo

Enseña: Árabe

Habla: Inglés, Árabe

Assalamualaikum, I am Hafiza Aisha. Quran teacher since 2019. I worked with international students and made it easy for them to read the Quran. I am a native English speaker so your kids can easily understand how to read Quran. I also teach Islamic studies along with Quran. I have different teaching techniques to make my class more interesting.I try to make things simple and interesting so I can teach students of all ages. For kids I have a different outline which makes the class interesting. course outline: Elementary book for beginner Tajweez Rules Quran reading with proper tajweez Detailed Prophet stories ( FROM Prophet Adam to Prophet Muhammad) Dua's , method of salah, short Surah's ( memorization ) Ahadees sharia Law's Quran with translation and explanation

$20 /h
Prueba gratis 20 min.



Profesor Nuevo

Enseña: Árabe

Habla: Italiano, Árabe, Francés, Inglés

I obtained a PhD at the Faculty of Agriculture in Sassari, more or a Masters in Environmental Engineering and another in Forestry Engineering at the Faculty of Agriculture, in Lebanon. I have a C1 English level certificate. I am a native speaker of Arabic, French and English and I studied Italian at the university's linguistic centre, up to level C1. Regarding my work experience, I gave private English lessons to two students during the 2011 and 2021 school years. As you can see, thanks to the master's degree, the specialization and certificates obtained, as well as the knowledge of advanced teaching techniques, I meet the requirements listed in your job offer. I also have a good propensity to use information technology. I know MS Office packages for Windows and Android platforms. I have excellent communication and leadership skills, I am able to convey confidence and determination, I am strong-willed, open and loyal. I like sports. In my spare time I dedicate myself to athletics, a sport which has given me some medals and which I believe is very suitable for developing a sense of discipline. Based on my academic qualifications, skills and personality, I believe that I am an excellent candidate for this position and can contribute positively to English language learning. I remain available for any other necessary information and in the hope of being able to demonstrate my skills in a job interview, I send you my best regards.

$17 /h
Prueba gratis 20 min.
Sidi M.

Sidi M.


Profesor Nuevo

Enseña: Árabe

Habla: Arabic, English, French, Turkish

Hello :) My name is Sidi Mohamed. I am from Mauritania. I study International Relations at Kafkas University in Turkey. _____________________________ I have two years of experience teaching Arabic to non-native speakers. My teaching method is based on the productive skills, by which the student can produce the language speaking and writing. I also have a certificate of teaching Arabic to non-native speakers. ____________________________ As for my teaching methodology, I have a set of different programs depending on the level difference of the student and his goal to learn the Arabic language. I also have a program for teaching Arabic to children that combines play, entertainment, and education. I teach to alphabetic level students reading by using a simple and effective way. ________________________ I invite you to book a trial lesson, in which I will show you my method of teaching as well as the books and tools I use. If you like the trial lesson, then you can start your journey of learning the Arabic language together. See you in the trial lesson :)

$8 /h
Prueba gratis 20 min.






34 clases

Enseña: Árabe

Habla: Arabe, Français, Russe

Bonjour, Titulaire d'un diplôme en traduction (spécialité arabe-français) de la Faculté Centrale d'Alger, j'enseigne l'arabe littéraire aux francophones depuis plusieurs années. Mes cours sont personnalisés pour répondre aux besoins et attentes spécifiques de chaque élève. Initialement, j'enseigne en utilisant à la fois l'arabe et le français, puis progressivement, je me concentre exclusivement sur l'arabe. Ma méthode d'enseignement intègre simultanément l'écoute, l'expression orale et la grammaire. Grâce à cette approche, les étudiants sont capables, après quelques mois, de mener une conversation entièrement en arabe. Je réalise également des évaluations périodiques afin d'identifier les points faibles et les acquis des élèves. L'objectif est de permettre à chaque étudiant de constater ses progrès à chaque étape du cursus, généralement tous les deux ou trois mois. Je prépare aussi les lycéens aux examens d'arabe en tant que première ou seconde langue vivante (LV1/LV2). Le matériel pédagogique nécessaire est fourni au fur et à mesure des cours. Les étudiants doivent simplement se munir d'un cahier et d'un stylo. Au plaisir de vous rencontrer prochainement

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