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🏆 Más de 1 año de experiencia dando clases online

Wayne L.

Profesor de Taiwán

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Hello, I'm Wayne, a Mandarin teacher from Taiwan. I'm really looking forward to meeting you in the classroom! The reason I chose to teach Chinese online is because I have a passion for traveling and experiencing different cultures from around the world. - 📍If you are willing, I would be more than happy to share Chinese culture with you during our lessons, and I hope to help you improve your Chinese language skills. 📍We can work towards making you more confident and fluent in the lan...

Hello, I'm Wayne, a Mandarin teacher from Taiwan. I'm really looking forward to meeting you in the classroom! The reason I chose to teach Chinese online is because I have a passion for traveling and experiencing different cultures from around the world. - 📍If you are willing, I would be more than happy to share Chinese culture with you during our lessons, and I hope to help you improve your Chinese language skills. 📍We can work towards making you more confident and fluent in the language. I am excited to grow and learn together with you! - 📍I also enjoy hiking ,scuba diving ,freediving , surfing ,skateboarding ,working out and all kinds of the outdoor activities,I'll be so glad to talk about your interests with me in the class. - 📌 I have taught students from different countries and with varying proficiency levels, so I can adjust the course content and pace based on their needs and abilities. 📌 Our classes can be very flexible, tailored to meet the specific requirements of each student. 📌 We could follow a structured approach using textbooks to ensure systematic learning, we could also focus on thematic conversational practice. 📌 During the class, I can teach you more colloquial and authentic expressions. 📌 I suggest to do full Chinese conversation but if you're a beginner we can learn from English first. - 🔗I'll provide an open and interactive learning environment to make you feel at ease expressing yourself. 🔗We could learn Chinese through chatting, self-introductions, and role-playing. 🔗The course adopts a highly life-oriented teaching approach, aiming to equip you with the ability to use the language effortlessly in real-life situations. - So, don't be shy! Treat the trial lesson as an opportunity to chat comfortably with native speakers! -

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  • Chino Proficiency/C2

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InglésCompetencias completas

JaponésCompetencia básica


Estudios y certificaciones

Diplomatura Bachelor Of Laws
Certificado "From 0 To 1: Online Practical Course In Chinese" Online Chinese Teacher Training Program

Más sobre mí (aficiones, intereses...)

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• ¿Puedo cancelar una reserva?

Sí, puedes cancelar una reserva hasta un máximo de 8 horas antes de la clase, indicando el motivo de cancelación. Estudiaremos cada caso de forma personal para proceder a la devolución del importe.

• ¿Cómo realizo el pago de la clase?

En el momento en que selecciones una clase o un pack de horas, podrás realizar el pago mediante nuestro TPV virtual. Tienes dos opciones para efectuar el pago:
- Tarjeta de crédito.
- Paypal.
Una vez realices el pago de la clase, recibirás un e-mail de confirmación de la reserva.

• ¿Puedo modificar una reserva?

Sí, siempre puede surgir algún imprevisto, por lo que podrás cambiar la hora o el día de clase. Puedes hacerlo desde tu área personal, dentro de "Clases programadas", en la opción “Cambiar fecha”.

• ¿Dónde se realizan las clases?

Las clases se realizan en el aula virtual de Classgap, desarrollada para el ámbito formativo con muchas funcionalidades específicas para ello, como el vídeo-chat, la pizarra virtual o el editor de textos a tiempo real. En el siguiente enlace puedes ver una demo del aula y conocerla:  Ver aula virtual

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$16 /h
Prueba gratis 20 min.






66 clases

Enseña: Chino

Habla: Chinese, English, Spanish

🏅Tutor certificado con 3 años de experiencia/ ✅HSK 1-6/ ✅Expresión oral/ ✅Chino de negocios 🤗Fácil y divertido~ 😄Hola soy Wan.Tengo 3 años de expe...