Hello, my name is Jan Feyen, currently residing in Connecticut, and I am passionate about video games, mathematics, and, most importantly, coding. From a young age, I've had a deep interest in understanding how things work, particularly video games, which led me to the fascinating world of programming. Aiming to turn my hobby into a career, I pursued a degree in Computer Engineering, acquiring skills in numerous programming languages and understanding the intricacies of computer architecture.
During my time at the University of Connecticut, I noticed a prevalent issue - there were educators who, despite their best intentions, often ended up making programming concepts more complex and intimidating than necessary. I understood then that a good teacher could make all the difference. So, I started tutoring my peers, focusing on C and C++ courses, and it brought me immense joy to see them finally 'get' the concepts that they'd previously struggled with.
The truth is, programming isn't just about writing code; it's about problem-solving, logical thinking, and, most importantly, persistence. This is the philosophy I bring to my tutoring - I aim to not just teach code, but to nurture a mindset. I use tools like flowcharts and encourage systematic problem-solving skills to help students understand and tackle problems on their own. I believe learning should be empowering, and I strive to make my students feel confident in their abilities.
In my free time, when I'm not lost in a new video game or exploring new developments in the tech world, I enjoy hiking and reading up on astronomy - a hobby that constantly reminds me of the endless possibilities for learning.
As your tutor, my goal isn't to make you a programmer. It's to guide you on your journey, to help you learn how to learn, and to ignite a passion for programming that will serve you in whatever career you choose. So, shall we start coding for your future?
"Happy Coding: Together, Let's Decode Your Potential"
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Profesor verificado, moderado por el equipo de Classgap
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Diseño de Interfaces (UX y UI), Programación
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Profesor verificado, moderado por el equipo de Classgap
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Programación, Matemáticas
ZBrushiOSAndroidWebJavaCC#C++ASP.NETPythonHTMLCSSJavascriptNodeJSRubyPHPSQLObjective-CSwiftUnityMaya (3D)MatlabReactSpring FrameworkGo Programming LanguageLogoKarelKotlinScratchRustGoDELE A2TypeScriptVBAScalaVisual BasicAbapPerlDartGroovyAdaLuaHaskellCobolJuliaDelphi/Object PascalAssembly Language
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