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Profesora de Marruecos

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📚🌍 ❤️ CERTIFIED ENGLISH TUTOR AND NATIVE ARABIC SPEAKER TEACHES YOUNG LEARNERS + ADULTS Hello, everyone. My name is Hajar, and I'm from Morocco. Before you continue, I invite you to please keep reading this description to know the service I offer, how I teach, and to get to know everything in detail about my teaching style. I hold a bachelor's degree in Applied Foreign Languages. I speak Arabic fluently and also some French. I love reading and spending time in nature. I've always had a p...

📚🌍 ❤️ CERTIFIED ENGLISH TUTOR AND NATIVE ARABIC SPEAKER TEACHES YOUNG LEARNERS + ADULTS Hello, everyone. My name is Hajar, and I'm from Morocco. Before you continue, I invite you to please keep reading this description to know the service I offer, how I teach, and to get to know everything in detail about my teaching style. I hold a bachelor's degree in Applied Foreign Languages. I speak Arabic fluently and also some French. I love reading and spending time in nature. I've always had a passion for learning foreign languages and teaching English as a foreign language, as well as teaching my mother tongue Arabic to non native speakers. I would love to share my love for language learning with you all I like to assess my students' needs to design the appropriate course for them and to select the right teaching approach relevant to their specific goals. Services i offer : For Business Professionals: Are you looking to advance your career by improving your English skills? I offer specialized business English courses designed to help you excel in professional settings. Whether you need to enhance your communication during meetings, prepare for presentations, or succeed in job interviews, I will equip you with the language tools you need to achieve your goals. For Parents: I understand how important it is for your child to excel in school and gain proficiency in a second language. My interactive and engaging lessons are designed to make learning English enjoyable for young learners. I focus on building a strong foundation in English that will support your child’s academic success and future opportunities. For General Learners: Whether you’re learning English for travel, personal development, or general communication, I can help you improve your conversational skills, grammar, and overall confidence in using the language. My general English courses are tailored to your unique goals, ensuring that you make steady progress in a supportive learning environment. I also offer Arabic lessons : *Standard Arabic( fusha ) : This is the standardized and literary variety of Arabic used in writing and formal speech across the Arab world. It's ideal for students who want to read Arabic literature, newspapers, or use Arabic in formal settings. *Moroccan Dialect ( Darija) : Commonly spoken in Morocco. 😃Don't Hesitate Book a Trial lesson today it's free !

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  • Inglés
    • Gramática
    • Inglés coloquial
    • Inglés para negocios
    • Vocabulario
    • Conversación
    • Preparación para entrevista de trabajo
  • Árabe Elemental/A1-2, Intermedio/B1-2, Avanzado/C1

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Valoraciones de sus alumnos

Highly recommended! Hajar is a great English teacher. She is patient, friendly and her classes are very enjoyable. My English is improving thanks to her!
Sofia Balogun
Very helpful, good teacher, friendly and lovely made lessons. Would deffo recommend!
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FrancésCompetencia conversacional


Estudios y certificaciones

Grado Applied Foreign Languages
Certificado Level 5 Tefl Diploma

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• ¿Puedo cancelar una reserva?

Sí, puedes cancelar una reserva hasta un máximo de 8 horas antes de la clase, indicando el motivo de cancelación. Estudiaremos cada caso de forma personal para proceder a la devolución del importe.

• ¿Cómo realizo el pago de la clase?

En el momento en que selecciones una clase o un pack de horas, podrás realizar el pago mediante nuestro TPV virtual. Tienes dos opciones para efectuar el pago:
- Tarjeta de crédito.
- Paypal.
Una vez realices el pago de la clase, recibirás un e-mail de confirmación de la reserva.

• ¿Puedo modificar una reserva?

Sí, siempre puede surgir algún imprevisto, por lo que podrás cambiar la hora o el día de clase. Puedes hacerlo desde tu área personal, dentro de "Clases programadas", en la opción “Cambiar fecha”.

• ¿Dónde se realizan las clases?

Las clases se realizan en el aula virtual de Classgap, desarrollada para el ámbito formativo con muchas funcionalidades específicas para ello, como el vídeo-chat, la pizarra virtual o el editor de textos a tiempo real. En el siguiente enlace puedes ver una demo del aula y conocerla:  Ver aula virtual

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