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Profesor de Zambia

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Hello there! I'm Arnold, your friendly physics tutor, and I'm excited to embark on this learning journey with you. But first, let me introduce myself. With 11 years of experience under my belt, I've had the privilege of teaching physics to countless students. What sets me apart from other teachers is my unwavering passion for the subject and my commitment to making it accessible and enjoyable for everyone. I firmly believe that anyone can grasp the wonders of physics with the right guidance, an...

Hello there! I'm Arnold, your friendly physics tutor, and I'm excited to embark on this learning journey with you. But first, let me introduce myself. With 11 years of experience under my belt, I've had the privilege of teaching physics to countless students. What sets me apart from other teachers is my unwavering passion for the subject and my commitment to making it accessible and enjoyable for everyone. I firmly believe that anyone can grasp the wonders of physics with the right guidance, and I'm here to provide just that. In my classes, I prioritize a student-centered approach. I understand that every learner is unique, so I tailor my teaching methods to suit your individual needs and learning style. Whether you're a visual, auditory, or hands-on learner, I've got you covered. My classes are interactive and engaging, combining theoretical knowledge with practical applications to ensure a comprehensive understanding of physics concepts. My teaching philosophy revolves around fostering a supportive and open learning environment. I encourage questions, discussions, and curiosity because I believe that's how real understanding is built. No question is too small or too complex, and I'm here to guide you every step of the way. With a bachelor's degree in physics, I have a strong foundation in the subject matter, which I've augmented with over a decade of teaching experience. I've worked with students at various levels, from high school to college, and I've witnessed the "aha" moments that come when physics suddenly clicks for my students. I'm excited to work with students at all levels, from beginners looking to build a solid foundation to advanced learners seeking to master complex concepts. Whether you're preparing for exams, aiming to excel in your coursework, or simply want to explore the fascinating world of physics, I'm here to support you. So, if you're ready to embark on a physics journey filled with discovery, growth, and understanding, I invite you to join my classes. Together, we'll make physics not just understandable but also enjoyable. Feel free to reach out with any questions or to get started on this exciting adventure. I can't wait to meet you and help you unlock the mysteries of the universe through the lens of physics!

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  • Física
    • Teoría de circuitos y electrónica
    • Electromagnetismo
    • Física Nuclear y de partículas
    • Física básica
    • Óptica
    • Física Mecánica

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Estudios y certificaciones

Diplomatura Degree

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• ¿Puedo cancelar una reserva?

Sí, puedes cancelar una reserva hasta un máximo de 8 horas antes de la clase, indicando el motivo de cancelación. Estudiaremos cada caso de forma personal para proceder a la devolución del importe.

• ¿Cómo realizo el pago de la clase?

En el momento en que selecciones una clase o un pack de horas, podrás realizar el pago mediante nuestro TPV virtual. Tienes dos opciones para efectuar el pago:
- Tarjeta de crédito.
- Paypal.
Una vez realices el pago de la clase, recibirás un e-mail de confirmación de la reserva.

• ¿Puedo modificar una reserva?

Sí, siempre puede surgir algún imprevisto, por lo que podrás cambiar la hora o el día de clase. Puedes hacerlo desde tu área personal, dentro de "Clases programadas", en la opción “Cambiar fecha”.

• ¿Dónde se realizan las clases?

Las clases se realizan en el aula virtual de Classgap, desarrollada para el ámbito formativo con muchas funcionalidades específicas para ello, como el vídeo-chat, la pizarra virtual o el editor de textos a tiempo real. En el siguiente enlace puedes ver una demo del aula y conocerla:  Ver aula virtual

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