Remember how difficult it was the first time your physics teacher said you had to break forces down into components in order to use Newton's Second Law? Or when they asked you to find the maxima and minima of a complicated function? I sure do - I struggled with those things as well. But I found that with good teachers and some hard work, I was able to master difficult concepts. Through my struggle, I learned how to effectively instruct students in physics and math.
Teaching and tutoring have bee...
Remember how difficult it was the first time your physics teacher said you had to break forces down into components in order to use Newton's Second Law? Or when they asked you to find the maxima and minima of a complicated function? I sure do - I struggled with those things as well. But I found that with good teachers and some hard work, I was able to master difficult concepts. Through my struggle, I learned how to effectively instruct students in physics and math.
Teaching and tutoring have been my passion since high school. I used to tutor students after school because I loved to see that look of "ahh I get it now" on students' faces. A decade later, it has become my passion and career.
I am a Ph.D. candidate in physics, with MS/BS degrees already in Physics, and through earning my degrees I have obtained a deep understanding of the field, as well as plenty of experience teaching it. My enthusiasm for teaching physics and math is apparent in my tutoring sessions. This makes students excited to learn and therefore more receptive to the concepts.
Feel free to contact me and ask any questions you may have, whether they are about my qualifications, my teaching philosophy, or anything else that comes to mind!
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Primaria, Secundaria, Superior/Bachillerato, Universidad
Matemáticas básicas
Álgebra lineal
Matemáticas aplicadas
Disponibilidad (El calendario se muestra en tu hora local)
DoctoradoPhd In Nanoscience And NanotechnologyCursando
Máster/PostgradoMasters In Physics
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Profesor verificado, moderado por el equipo de Classgap
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